Friday, December 22, 2023

Pepe Escobar: The most fabulous Orthodox church of Russia // Yuliana Titaeva. Legendas em português!

Thank you to Lew Rockwell

This is the flower of a civilizational culture.  It's all here.  It's history.  It's religion.  It's a spiritual life.  The icons.  Representation of the whole Christ's journey.  Introspection.  Lavish decoration but respectful at the same time.  It's a Russian Byzantine mix 
Orthodox Churches are never black, never dark gray, or dark green.  This is a fabulous mix of dark gray, and dark green with golden copulas.

Be sure to check out the show notes, "Overview of the main Cathedral of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with Pepe Escobar."


Writes Wayne Goodfellow:

In Canada, they are burning down Christian churches, pulling down historical monuments, changing street names in Toronto, celebrating the sexual mutilation of children, and promoting euthanasia . . . whereas in Russia, they are building amazing Christian Orthodox cathedrals like this one. WDG

Pepe Escobar: The most fabulous Orthodox church of Russia // Yuliana Titaeva. Legendas em português!

82-Year-Old Farmer, Maggie White

Read the attendant article.  Thank you to Wejolyn.  

On Monday, June 1, 2020, President Trump announced that he might use federal troops to quell the ANTIFA riots. Weirdly and unexpectedly, former President George W. Bush issued a statement on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, expressing solidarity with the protesters and saying that only "peaceful means" should be used to resolve the crisis.

 Purple ties were a symbol for the "Purple Revolution," a codename for anti-Trump color revolution. 

Weirdly and unexpectedly, former President George W. Bush issued a statement on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, expressing solidarity with the protesters and saying that only "peaceful means" should be used to resolve the crisis. Really?

The next morning, June 3, Rod Rosenstein—the guy who appointed Robert Mueller as Special Counsel—testified before the Senate in a purple tie. Some speculate that Rosenstein was signaling solidarity with the "Purple Revolution," a codename for anti-Trump color revolution.

FBI director Christopher Wray had earlier raised eyebrows when he wore a purple tie at his February 5, 2020, Congressional hearings.  

from Politico

When the Clintons appeared in purple at Hillary's Nov. 9, 2016 concession speech, violent anti-Trump protests broke out, lasting for weeks (#NotMyPresident). Knowledgeable observers theorized that the Clintons had triggered a Purple Revolution.

RICHARD POE: It boils down to MAGA vs. MABA. Trump wants to Make America Great Again. The CFR wants to Make America BRITISH Again

Only 10 days after Trump took office in 2017, FOREIGN POLICY magazine literally called for a "military coup" against him. --Richard Poe

The CFR rose from the British Round Table Movement.

British statesman Cecil Rhodes (1853 - 1902) left a fortune to promote "British rule throughout the world" and "the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire..."

Full federation proved to be a hard sell. Britain's English-speaking colonies wanted independence. So the Round Tablers proposed a compromise. They offered "Dominion" status or partial independence.

Canada was to be the model. It had gained Dominion status in 1867. This meant Canada governed itself internally, while Britain ran its foreign policy.

The Round Tablers had to work quickly. War with Germany was expected. Britain needed to mollify the Dominions with self-rule, so they'd agree to provide troops in the coming war. Australia became a Dominion in 1901; New Zealand in 1907; and South Africa in 1910.

Beginning in the 1890s, the British waged a public relations blitz called "The Great Rapprochement," promoting Anglo-American unity.

Scottish-born steel magnate Andrew Carnegie called openly for a "British-American Union," in 1893. He expressly advocated America's return to the British Empire.

From the British standpoint, the Great Rapprochement was a flop. When Britain declared war on Germany in 1914, troops poured in from every corner of the Empire. But not from America.

The US sent troops only in April 1917, after 2 1/2 years of hard British lobbying.

To the British, the delay was intolerable. It proved that Americans could not be trusted to make important decisions. The Milner Group sought a "Canadian" solution — manipulating the US into a Dominion-like arrangement, with Britain controlling our foreign policy.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

New Documentary, The Fall of Minneapolis

You should know by now that one of the consistent and effective tactics that the Left uses in addition to lying is to layer on any narrative with as many disturbing features so as to maximize the trauma.  But to what end?  To make reconstruction of events to present in a court of law extremely difficult.   In the case of George Floyd, it's one thing for Floyd to lie, but it's another for the mayor, Chief of Police, and other city officials to gang bang the lie to railroad Derrick Chauvin which led to him being stabbed by an inch of his life by John Turscak.

Liz Collins of Alpha News is the woman on the panel and the Producer of the documentary.  Dr. JC Chaix is the gentleman at the bottom right; find his books here.  Check out his terrific interview here.  John H. McWhorter, co-host, is at the upper right, and Glenn Loury, the co-host, is at the upper left.  It looks like the documentary is based on their book, They're Lying: The Media, The Left, and the Death of George Floyd, Liz Collins and Dr. JC Chaix, 2022.