Showing posts with label Purple Revolution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Purple Revolution. Show all posts

Friday, December 22, 2023

On Monday, June 1, 2020, President Trump announced that he might use federal troops to quell the ANTIFA riots. Weirdly and unexpectedly, former President George W. Bush issued a statement on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, expressing solidarity with the protesters and saying that only "peaceful means" should be used to resolve the crisis.

 Purple ties were a symbol for the "Purple Revolution," a codename for anti-Trump color revolution. 

Weirdly and unexpectedly, former President George W. Bush issued a statement on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, expressing solidarity with the protesters and saying that only "peaceful means" should be used to resolve the crisis. Really?

The next morning, June 3, Rod Rosenstein—the guy who appointed Robert Mueller as Special Counsel—testified before the Senate in a purple tie. Some speculate that Rosenstein was signaling solidarity with the "Purple Revolution," a codename for anti-Trump color revolution.

FBI director Christopher Wray had earlier raised eyebrows when he wore a purple tie at his February 5, 2020, Congressional hearings.  

from Politico

When the Clintons appeared in purple at Hillary's Nov. 9, 2016 concession speech, violent anti-Trump protests broke out, lasting for weeks (#NotMyPresident). Knowledgeable observers theorized that the Clintons had triggered a Purple Revolution.