Sunday, October 23, 2022


Interestingly enough, it has a history that goes all the way back to the late 1800s in the U.S.  The Florida Medical Association produced a paper in the early 1900s, and Loyola School of Sciences in Chicago produced a paper in 1885 describing ozone therapy, so it does go way back.  

Shallenberger was one of the first guys to bring back ozone therapy from Germany in the early 80s.  And the thing was, after a while, I just noticed that unlike almost any other therapy, whether it's natural or pharmaceutical, these other therapies usually have a limited spectrum of what they do.  It didn't take me long to figure out that ozone is good for almost every case you see: it's good for heart problems, good for toxicity problems, it's good for low-metabolic problems, it's good for stress, it's good for sleep, and all these things, and you ask yourself, "How can one thing be responsible for improving people with so many different things?"  And so you got to look at the core.  So what's core?  You don't have to be a genius to figure it out.  I'm giving oxygen, that's what ozone is, so I'm giving oxygen, everybody's getting better.  Ergo, the problem probably has something to do with oxygen, specifically how the body is using oxygen.  And that's how I got to the whole metabolic thing.  I started looking around and saying, "Okay, we've got to start measuring people's metabolism."  Because I'll be you a nickel after I give them a course of ozone therapy their metabolism is going up.  So I developed this technique that you referred to on how to measure mitochondrial function, and indeed, that's what happens.  You get the ozone, and the mitochondrial function improves.  And at that point, I decided that's the Holy Grail.  The Holy Grail is to figure out how to optimize mitochondrial function.  And to do that, you've got to measure it first.  If it's great already, then fine; there's not much that you need to do.  If not, then that keys you in that it's time to do something, to make some changes.    


Ozone is molecular O3 versus the regular form of oxygen which is in the air that we're breathing right now, which is molecular O2, meaning regular form oxygen contains 2 oxygen atoms.  Ozone contains 3.  That extra oxygen atom makes it a very unstable molecule, such that when you put it in the human body, and you can put it in the human body in a lot of different ways.  You can expose the blood to it, the most common way.  You can also put it in various body cavities--stomachs, vaginas, bladders, rectums.  You can inject it into joints.  You can inject it into backs.  You can inject it into soft tissues.  You can give it transdermally in the sense of a sauna.  When a person is in a sauna, and then you flood that sauna with gas and it absorbs transdermally.  

His website is titled, AntiAgingMedicine.  And he's located in Carson City, Nevada, where he can be reached @ 775-884-3990.  Their office is closed for lunch from 12:30 to 1:30.  His address is 1231 Country Club Drive, Carson City, Nevada, 89703.  Frank has a book out, titled Bursting with Energy: The Breakthrough Method to Renew Youthful Energy and Restore Health, 2nd Edition, 2022.

If you're not in the area but reside in Southern California, Judy Shallenberger recommended a woman, who trained with hers and Frank's office in Carson City, named Amilya Santiago @ Integrative Natural Medicine, located @ 301 S. Fair Oaks Avenue, Unit 208, Pasadena, CA 91105.  PHONE 626-714-7400.  

Their website literally does not have their physical address entered anywhere that I could see.  Unbelievable.  It does not exude confidence.  Her website declares that she offers a 30-minute consultation.  How much?  

I called and asked about the consultation.  Andrea, the receptionist, said that she offers a 1.5 to 2-hour consultation @ $400.  And that I am to bring in the labs, Doctor's records, imagining, and so forth. She does offer Ozone therapy, what is called IV ozone 10 units.  What does that cost?  Health is astronomical.  

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Pathologist Ryan Cole explains the Harms caused by the spike protein including the reactivation other viruses because of immune suppression

Blaylock's protocol is good.  

Glutathione and Melatonin are a must along with vitamin D3.  FYI, when you increase the dose of  melatonin it then becomes a supreme antioxidant but does not increase its sleep inducement. 

Probiotics are a must: unsweetened yogurt.  

Prebiotics are a must: Resveratrol. 

If you took the vax, you'll need to take the supplements above to keep yourself and others healthy.  All vaccines shed: all of them.  And since these mRNA reverse transcriptase vaccines can disrupt your immunity, it means you've got to fight to maintain immunity.  And as your immunity is compromised, it means you'll be shedding toxic cellular debris along with the spike proteins themselves.  

The spike proteins cause clotting.  So you'll need to preserve circulation while you bust the clots.  Nattokinase dissolves fibrin clots and platelet clots.  Niacin, B3, is referred to as a "clot buster." 

Because the spike protein is the destructive agent in the body, you want to find ways that neutralize it, dissolve it, denature it.  The items I list above help in that regard.  

Ozone therapy is also another effective tactic. 

A Weston A. Price nutritionist, who goes by the tag Wejolyn on Twitter says

I think its the spike protein. And yes, I use medical ozone therapy regularly.

Dr. Shallenberger has come recommended. He practices out of Carson City, Nevada. Call him for a referral in your neighborhood. You can find him on YouTube and elsewhere. The blood of the vaccinated has been reported to be sluggish because the blood cells clump together which they generally don't do. This causes the loss of energy and fatigue. Ozone therapy rectifies this blood abnormality.

Why tax farm animal farts and not herd animal farts?

Great point by Wejolyn!!!  Why tax farm animal farts and not herd animal farts?  

PUFAs weaken the immune system's function in ways that are similar to the damage caused by radiation.

A good checklist to detox from toxic seed oils and vegetable oils:

Whether considering food choices or vitamin choices, you always want to choose what is best for optimum health.  So if you're suffering from mild gout from eating too much meat, you'll want to back off from the meat and maybe consume some IP6 or baking soda to relieve the symptoms of heavy feet and swelling.  Again, it's all about fixing things so that you achieve optimum health and energy, vigor and healthful aspect.  A man's got to look good.   

When it comes to PUFAs, you want to consider which foods to consume and which to avoid, and which oils to consume and which to avoid.  So there are PUFAs, Polyunsaturated fatty acids found in foods, and there are fats that contain either healthy or unhealthy PUFAs.  Let's start with the oils.  

Truckers on the road for days and weeks find themselves vulnerable to the foods found in diners and fast food.  You can expect to consume a lot of canola oil in these places.  In fact, all food from takeout is cooked in Canola Oil, and these restaurants are not embarrassed or ashamed of their ill effects.  They're not health food places; they're restaurants on narrow margins.  And to maximize those narrow margins, they're going to prepare their food for you in oils that are cost effective and tasteless.  In fact, the lack of taste is one of canola oil's touted virtues by every business that uses it.  Their argument is that they don't want to offend diverse taste buds.  Seriously.  A Whole Foods food preparer told me this very thing.    

List of PUFAs or Polyunsaturated Acids.   

50 Countries Currently Fighting Russia? Oh, the Honesty

NBC News Exclusive Interview with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.