Monday, May 27, 2024

MAiD is Medical Assistance in Dying; in other words, euthanasia.

Here is what is really troubling about that and nobody seems to know this so I would love the opportunity to talk about it because it's really concerning to me so it's not only that it's made people don't understand how made works there's a track one the track too the immediate the 90 day the end of life and all of that and yes they've stayed the Bill until 2027 'til the next vote right so that's all great so technically mental health is not included but what I found out yesterday that really really bothered me was the mechanism of the actual procedure so there is this drug called sodium thiopental and it's made in Italy.  It is used by  anesthesiologists and the anesthesiologist that came forward with this at the testimony was . . . this individual had been an anesthesiologist for 25 years.  He came forward in the Senate subcommittee talking about this with MAiD and his concerns with it because MAiD is being seen as compassionate and empathetic in care.  So what he did 

1:00. You know the Nazi euthanasia program started with "compassionate care." 

1:05. I'm so glad you said that because when I got to the trigonometry we went to the war museum and what terrified me the most was walking through the World War II portion and seeing the same verbiage.

1:16. Yeah yeah it's the same thing yeah definitely

1:20. People were telling me I was going crazy I'm like, "No, no, no.  You don't understand . . .

1:22. No, it's the same thing.

1:23.  It's identical.

1:24.  Yeah it's exactly the same thing.  

1:25.  The mentally ill, the people that are . . .

1:27.  People too distressed to live . . . .

1:28.  Thank you. 

1:29.  And the categories keep expanding.  

1:31. And that's what we're seeing . . . the expansion.  The sodium thiopental which is really wild about it is that this anesthesiologist said it's going missing.  We don't have a lot of it we can't get it anymore all of a sudden these past couple of years.  And so he started researching it it's made in Italy and Italy falls under the EU.  And under the EU laws, you can never make a drug that is going to be used for execution but North America, the United States and Canada have been using it for execution in America for death penalty.  So they finally caught on to that. And anesthesiologist use it for one of the first drugs pushed to put you under but here is what is really crazy they did a Freedom of Information Act with an NPR journalist and they got over $300 autopsies of individuals who were executed in America and they didn't just get the autopsy overview they were given an in-depth files.  And when they went through them 85% of those bodies showed a two times level increase of water in the lungs what was happening is that when this drug is pushed it causes a drowning and it is stated as akin to dying by waterboarding or drowning meaning the reason people in Canada who were given made same peaceful is because they're giving a paralytic first so they are completely paralyzed then this drug is administered as one of the poor and they start drowning to death what that means is that when it's done by IV it takes 10 to 15 minutes that person could be literally drowning.  Well they are drowning to death but they could be screaming if they weren't under a paralytic.  They are drowning to death.  We waterboarded people at Guantanamo.  There's a reason we had to stop.  It falls under cruel and unusual punishment.  Yet we are having people that are dying with dignity saying that this falls under compassion and empathy when you're drowning people chemically to death.

3:30. You found this out at the Senate hearing?

3:32. No I found this out yesterday when the Senate hearing was given to me, the transcripts were given to me.  It was Dr. Joel B. Vivo, Associate Professor of Emory University School of Medicine Vancouver Coastal Health Authority.  So what's been happening is that case I was telling you about Fraser health is withholding the families she can't see her autopsy they're not allowing it they won't give access the police have tried to get it

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Mexico Deporting Americans

Native New Yorkers Aren’t Holding Back. Ex Barack Obama Voter Tells The Media They Will Not Tolerate Another Stolen Election

Big Tobacco Bought Big Food in 1985

This 2016 film reveals how the tobacco Giants have corrupted our food.

1985 tobacco giant RJ Reynolds bought Nabisco FoodsTobacco pioneer Philip Morris bought General Foods and in 1988, 3 years later, Kraft Foods, making them the largest food producer in North America and leaving the business of food in the capable hands of the same corporations who helped addict us to tobacco.  Using the same practice they use to promote tobacco, food companies set about peddling the entire planet a diet of processed goods, loaded with chemicals and additives masquerading as food.  This new machine operates with specific targets in mind, like addicting consumers without them knowing it.  

The clip above comes from the 2016 documentary titled, The C-Word, narrated by Morgan Freeman. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024