Showing posts with label — Dr Shawn Baker 🥩 (@SBakerMD) May 26. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Dr Shawn Baker 🥩 (@SBakerMD) May 26. Show all posts

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Big Tobacco Bought Big Food in 1985

This 2016 film reveals how the tobacco Giants have corrupted our food.

1985 tobacco giant RJ Reynolds bought Nabisco FoodsTobacco pioneer Philip Morris bought General Foods and in 1988, 3 years later, Kraft Foods, making them the largest food producer in North America and leaving the business of food in the capable hands of the same corporations who helped addict us to tobacco.  Using the same practice they use to promote tobacco, food companies set about peddling the entire planet a diet of processed goods, loaded with chemicals and additives masquerading as food.  This new machine operates with specific targets in mind, like addicting consumers without them knowing it.  

The clip above comes from the 2016 documentary titled, The C-Word, narrated by Morgan Freeman.