Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Washington cannot override the sovereignty of the states.

When historically a centralized government seeks total control, it collapses like the Soviet Union. Most people do not know that Lenin wanted to copy the United States, whereas each province retained its sovereignty. Stalin poisoned Lenin and his wife and usurped total central control.  --Martin Armstrong

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.

Most importantly, Texas has oil, gas, and refining capacity and would continue to produce and refine fossil fuels. Without Texas, the United States would not be able to wage war, lacking the energy to fuel its tanks. Texas could stand on its own, and to ensure energy, other Red States would join hands against Washington.

There is rising sentiment toward separation due to the Biden Administration’s abuse of executive orders. The Biden Administration thinks executive orders are the way to change the character of the United States without the people’s consent. Truman seized all the steel mills without statutory authority using an executive order that the Supreme Court reversed. We have so many violations using executive decrees without statutory authority, circumventing Congress and the people. The abuse of this power is causing severe discontent. People are talking about separating, even in Florida. When historically a centralized government seeks total control, it collapses like the Soviet Union. Most people do not know that Lenin wanted to copy the United States, whereas each province retained its sovereignty. Stalin poisoned Lenin and his wife and usurped total central control. Biden has endangered the survivability of the United States. Washington cannot override the sovereignty of the states.

The Lancaster Study, 1923. 

The Contagion Myth, Thomas S. Cowan, M.D., and Sally Fallon Morrell, 2021.  

Cowan's other book is Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness, by Dr. Thomas Cowan (Author), Sally Fallon Morrell (Foreward), 2018.

Monday, January 29, 2024

"My 13 year old son, 1 year journey with carnivore/primal diet. From 87.8kg (193lbs) down to 76.5kg (168lbs). From Eu size XXL down to Medium"

The measles vaccine was introduced in 1963 AFTER the death rate in the USA plummeted to 0.2 in 100,000 in 1960

The measles death rate (deaths per 100,000 people) in the United States was:

  • 1900 – 13.3 (about 7000 deaths)
  • 1910 – 12.4
  • 1920 – 8.8
  • 1930 – 3.2
  • 1935 – 3.1
  • 1940 – 0.5
  • 1945 – 0.2
  • 1950 – 0.3 (468 deaths)
  • 1955 – 0.2 (345 deaths)
  • 1960 – 0.2 (380 deaths)
  • 1963 – first measles vaccine licensed
  • 1965 – 0.1 (276 deaths)
  • 1970 – 0.0 (89 deaths)
  • 1975 – 0.0 (20 deaths)
  • 1980 – 0.0 (11 deaths)
  • 1985 – 0.0 (4 deaths)

That’s not surprising though. The general death rate had dropped from 17.8 in 1900 to 7.6 in 1960. For infants under age 12 months, the death rate dropped from 162.4 in 1933 to 27 in 1960.

This simply reflects that vaccines were not the only medical technology that helped to save lives in the 20th century and not that measles was already disappearing. Penicillin, insulin, vitamin D, blood typing (allows transfusions of blood that has been typed and cross-matched), dialysis machines, and mechanical ventilators were all discovered in the early 1900s. 

Here is one reason it is so hard to find helpful healthful remedies to different conditions.  For measles, NCBI states

There is no specific antiviral therapy for measles; treatment is primarily supportive. Control of fever, prevention, and correction of dehydration, and infection control measures including appropriate isolation form the mainstay of therapy.

The WHO recommends the administration of daily doses of vitamin A for 2 days and more days for malnourished children. Measles complications should be identified early and appropriate therapy initiated. 

It literally says there is no treatment.  That's a lie.  There is a treatment, and that treatment is vitamin D3 and fat-soluble vitamin A.  They say merely that "The WHO recommends the administration of daily doses of vitamin A for 2 days and more days for malnourished children" but fail to mention that it is fat-soluble A, not beta-carotene A.  That statement by the CDC also says "malnourished," and that has problems.  Out of guilt, a mother or parent would never admit to their children being "malnourished" and so might think, "Hey, my kid doesn't need vitamin A.  Do you see the deceit of these articles if you're a young parent looking for help?  I had measles as an adult, and I showed the doctor the red scarring and mumps.  He had no idea what to do, so I left.  


Was the point of allowing a nurse to talk, talk, talk that when he got caught in mistakes that people could easily dismiss it as a "Well, he's only a nurse; it's not like he's a doctor or anything."