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Showing posts with label nikola 3 (@ronin19217435). Show all posts

Friday, October 14, 2022

Vandana Shiva on Bill Gates

I am sure that you've seen her before, somewhere online.  Her name is Vandana Shiva, and she is a seed activist and has fought against Bill Gates in India and won.     

How did Bill Gates come to exert such power? 

Bill Gates did not invent anything.  The basic program was made by some Mathematics professors.  The Office Operating system was [made] by a software engineer and he bought it for $50,000.  He's built an empire by creating patents on software.  And the first WTO meeting in Singapore (December 1996) gave him tax concessions, which is why all the IT industry moved to India.  The fact that Silicon Valley became India's Silicon Valley is because they could save $40 billion dollars annually.  It was an outsourcing of software, all for Bill Gates.  With this accumulation of money and making any communication system illegal, like the communication system through real currency [cash] and forcing digital payments, he's the one who gains because all of the software for all the digital economy, he collects rents and royalties on that.  And then he started to put some of his money in "philanthropy," and everyone thinks, "Wow, he's such a generous man."  He gives so much.  But I've done an analysis in the book.  Every place he gives to is his future markets.  

Can't be certain, but I think that "the book" she refers to is her latest to be released on October 27, 2022, titled Terra Viva: My Life in a Biodiversity of Movements