Showing posts with label freeze-dried bovine cartilage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freeze-dried bovine cartilage. Show all posts

Saturday, June 18, 2022

"I want to present my body with all the nutrients in the food and let it decide which to absorb"

The following is a product advertisement from Dr. Tom Cowan, but I am sharing it here because the argument for foods over vitamins is so compelling.  

Hey, everyone. 

A central tenet to my approach to nutrition is that the more complex the food source, the more nutritious it is likely to be. An example is chemically-derived B vitamins in supplement form, versus from fresh liver, which is replete with these same vitamins. My choice is always the latter, because I want to present my body with all the nutrients in the food and let it decide which to absorb.

During the past century, instead of "homo sapiens" we have become a species that is more aptly described as "homo domesticus fragilis." In other words, we have become domesticated, fragile and diseased. Any living being that doesn't live in its natural environment and is subjected to eating depleted foods and living in artificial situations will become sick and diseased. This idea applies to our food, the light we are exposed to, the water we drink, the movements we perform, and probably even the thoughts we think and the feelings we feel. 

Unfortunately, many people today are unable or unwilling to eat such traditional foods as organ meats and wild edibles. That's why I'm grateful for companies that make products that understand these principles and mimic traditional diets as much as possible. One such company is Ancestral Supplements, which makes freeze-dried organ products.

The animals from which these products are made live out their entire lives foraging on grass, as they are meant to do; no grain feeding, no hormones, no antibiotics. Then their organs, the source of the most concentrated nutrients in the animals, are harvested and freeze dried for us to use.  

In my practice during the past few years, once I identified the weak organ in a patient, I would suggest supplementing with the homologous freeze-dried, grass-fed and finished-organ preparation. For people with any sort of thyroid issue, that meant a non-hormonal glandular thyroid. Patients with heart disease all took bovine heart capsules. For people with joint and bone issues or the metabolic problem referred to as "cancer," bovine tracheal cartilage was prescribed. 

Bovine tracheal cartilage, along with shark cartilage, is possibly the richest source of cartilage in the animal world. Extracts of bovine tracheal cartilage were used successfully by Dr. John Pruden in his cancer treatments, and greatly improved joint health in arthritis sufferers. 


Here is an abstract of Dr. John Pruden's work with bovine cartilage and cancer. 

Dr. John Prudden and Bovine Trachael Cartilage Research By Henry Kriegel researchers chose not to investigate the discovery further. Dr. Prudden, however, was convinced of the importance of the results and put aside his previous research plans to actively begin a thorough investigation. During the course of the initial clinical work, he observed dramatic tumor shrinkage in a patient with cancer of the breast and malignant ulceration of the entire chest wall. This discovery led to therapeutic trials with other cancer substances proven to accelerate clinical wound healing, a fact cited in surgical textbooks, shown in clinical trials to be effective in treating a wide range of conditions from inflammatory diseases to cancer. Although the documentation of its uses has been a slow and meticulous process, its effectiveness in the treatment of cancer and other diseases may represent a significant medical advance. This article focuses on its reported efficacy in the treatment of cancer. Until recently, knowledge of the effectiveness of bovine tracheal cartilage in the treatment of cancer has been limited. Approximately 100 cancer patients have benefited from bovine cartilage during this initial investigative period solely through the efforts of John F. Prudden, M.D., Med.Sc.D. 

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