Showing posts with label Zinc Lozenges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zinc Lozenges. Show all posts

Friday, April 3, 2020


We should all know the importance of zinc.  Combine it with vitamins D, A, and C, and you're putting your immune system in an excellent position.  Check out these highlights of zinc from Sardi's article: 
Zinc is required to maintain thymus gland function to produce life-long antibodies from T-memory cells.
Dr. James Robb, a pathologist who performed early experiments with coronaviruses back in the 1970s, claims that zinc lozenges are the “silver bullet against coronavirus.”     

You'll definitely want to get a brand of zinc lozenges that taste good since the lozenges, as such, have to sit in your mouth as they break down over several minutes.  The one brand whose taste I am not a fan of is Swanson's Zinc Lozenges.  Sorry.  If you need or want more convincing than the lone quotation above, then check out what Dr. Robb said
4) Stock up now with zinc lozenges. These lozenges have been proven to be effective in blocking coronavirus (and most other viruses) from multiplying in your throat and nasopharynx. Use as directed several times each day when you begin to feel ANY "cold-like" symptoms beginning. It is best to lie down and let the lozenge dissolve in the back of your throat and nasopharynx. Cold-Eeze lozenges is one brand available, but there are other brands available. 
More on zinc from Bill Sardi . . . 
Zinc supplementation in the elderly, the high-risk group of coronavirus Infections, lowers illness markedly.  Modern medicine needs to emphasize zinc therapy, especially during epidemics.
Between 15-30 milligrams of zinc in dietary supplements can be safely consumed by adults.  Zinc oxide is poorly absorbed.  Other forms (acetate, gluconate, acetate, picolinate) are preferred. 
Four years ago, I wrote a review of Sardi's valuable scrutiny of zinc, where he cited Canadian cancer researcher, Abraham Hoffer, MD, who concluded that
". . . zinc [in old mice] facilitated a complete recovery of thymus gland function and regrowth of the organ with greater immune efficiency."
I initially posted this video of Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, an Indian-American scientist, engineer, and entrepreneur.  The video came courtesy of Steve Bartin.  And though I liked much of what he said, I recalled an article by Bill Sardi published earlier this week at on March 30, 2020.  As I read it, thought about it, and reviewed the article, I realized that Dr. Shiva, though articulate and knowledgeable, is no match for the scientific scrutiny of Bill Sardi.  So what I prefer to do instead is to highlight some of the benefits zinc that Bill Sardi points out.  It's hard to find better, more actionable advice.  
Thanks to Steve Bartin.  "The virus is not some big Godzilla" says Dr. Shiva.  It's B.S.  A virus is coming in, your immune system is compromised . . . ."  But all he is doing is riding on the coattails of Bill Sardi, who already cited why so many people are dying from the coronavirus--a damaged immune system.  And it makes sense.  Most people don't know how to take care of themselves.  They don't even know what an immune system is.  
Dr. Shiva claims that the "Less adaptive immune function, [the] less T-cell activity."  Of course.  But that's a problem that is readily and easily repaired with zinc.  Zinc has the ability to regrow your thymus gland back to its original size.  Zinc doesn't make your thymus gland grow larger than original but back to its original size, and that is something given how it shrinks over our lifetime due to illness, stress, and nutritional deficiencies.  Bill Sardi recently pointed out that the Coronavirus mimics zinc deficiency.  He writes, 
An emergency room physician in New Orleans shares an account of his experience with this dreaded pathogenic virus.   He writes: “You can literally watch it happen in a matter of hours.”  Some 70-90% of hospitalized patients who have to be placed on a ventilator die. 
Talking about insufficient ventilators or how they are becoming cost-prohibitive is the wrong direction.  People will die on ventilators if . . . if they're not also provided with nutritional support to strengthen their innate and adaptive immunity.  

I'd wish that people would stop picking on the elderly BEFORE they're even sick, or at all.  If someone is sick, stay away from them: problem solved.  But the damage has already been done.  The media has dog- whistled the entire population to despise, to be wary of, to thwart any threat by someone with gray hair, wrinkles, or a hunch in their shoulders.  What, as if everyone else who does not fit these descriptors is somehow healthy?  Please.  The narrative initiated in Seattle that elderly folks were dying almost en masse in a Seattle convalescent hospital.  I don't know the details surrounding that hospital or those deaths.  But the most likely scenario is that it wasn't just age plus the coronavirus that killed these people; instead, my guess is that those who passed had lived with chronic disease and malnourished lives that kept them functioning at a very low grade.  And then if they were tossed by family and friends and abandoned, that can't bode very well for their well-being.