Showing posts with label WEF World Economic Forum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WEF World Economic Forum. Show all posts

Friday, May 27, 2022

"No major media outlet has called out these dystopian plans for total control,"

Thanks to Martin Armstrong

The self-proclaimed elites have gathered in Switzerland at the World Economic Forum (WEF). One of the newest ideas is a microchip in pill form. No, this is not a conspiracy theory. The president of Pfizer spoke publicly about a pill that would dissolve in the stomach and send an immediate signal to all storing your data that you complied and took the pill. “Imagine the implications of that – the compliance!” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla daydreamed.

The WEF crowd has publicly shared their ideas to build a total surveillance system and microchip human beings to gain ultimate control. “Once you can hack something, you can also engineer it,” Yuri Harari, Schwab’s top mouthpiece, said in 2018.

No major media outlet has called out these dystopian plans for total control, and any mention of the topic will result in an instant ban from all social media platforms. Microchips are NOT a conspiracy theory; rather, it is a plan that they are currently devising and will implement once the opportunity presents itself. Do not comply.