Showing posts with label Times of Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Times of Israel. Show all posts

Friday, February 4, 2022

TIMES of ISRAEL: "strong correlation between sufficient vitamin D levels and ability to fight the coronavirus still held"

 It is interesting to see how the media is working to bury the whole vaccine debacle.  They've taken the people's prospects from grim to worse after a 3rd and 4th shot only to portray the obvious--a crashing of immunity across all populations.  This was a  surprise?  Suddenly, governments around the world are "DISCOVERING" that a vitamin D deficiency forecasts outcomes.  This was not news.  The benefits of Vitamin D have ridden a 25-to-30-year wave of popularity.  But scientists and their experts are learning this only now?  Someone in the Fauci $6 billion-dollar chain of command has ordered scientists to now, only now, to talk about the benefits of vitamin D and how the real culprit is not so much the SARS_Co-V-2, no.  Instead, it's a vitamin D deficiency.  And even though the results have come back as remarkable, the report on the study fails to identify how much vitamin D was applied to achieve those "remarkable" results.  

And then to run cover for their dealy in this "news," the author of the report, Nathan Jeffay, offers only a feigned sense of scientific distancing, 

They found that the strong correlation between sufficient vitamin D levels and ability to fight the coronavirus still held, and the level of increased danger in their preliminary findings remained almost identical. 

So he goes from causation, ". . . study offers strongest proof yet of vitamin D's power to fight COVID," to correlation, "They found that the strong correlation between sufficient vitamin D levels and ability to fight the coronavirus still held . . . ."  So the best they can do is soft-pedal a recommendation?  What the Times of Israel and Nathan Jeffay fail to understand is that you not only need to take magnesium with vitamin D but you ALSO need glutathione.  Also, Magnesium Girl may be on to something.  It may not be vitamin D alone that brings you back from the brink, but it may actually be magnesium.  I've seen her recommend magnesium glycinate in several posts.