Showing posts with label TSA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TSA. Show all posts

Monday, July 18, 2022

"They . . . came to the conclusion that upwards of 90% of government websites “create cookies of third-party trackers without any consent from users.”

The gistupwards of 90 percent of government websites “create cookies of third-party trackers without any consent from users."

The answerdon’t visit any government COVID websites in the first place, and you won’t be tracked

(Natural News) European researchers put together a study revealing that government-run Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) information websites are a privacy-invading nightmare – let the public beware!

Entitled “Measuring Web Cookies in Governmental Websites,” the paper, which was funded by the European Research Council (ERC), the European Union (EU), and the Spanish government, explains that government websites are basically being used as “a single point of monitoring and tracking for the entire population of a country” using web cookies.

Researchers looked at three different types of websites, including the official governmental websites of “G20” countries around the world; websites of international organizations such as the United Nations; and popular websites used by the public for Fauci Flu tracking and information. They looked at each site’s use of cookies and came to the conclusion that upwards of 90 percent of government websites “create cookies of third-party trackers without any consent from users.”

“Web cookies have been exploited to collect information about users’ online activities and interests,” the paper explains (Related: The Transportation Security Administration [TSA] also spies on air travelers).

“Non-session cookies, that are created by trackers and can last for days or months, are widely present even in countries with strict user privacy laws. We also show that the above is a problem for official websites of international organizations and popular websites that inform the public about the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Here’s a tip: don’t visit any government COVID websites in the first place and you won’t be tracked

The world’s largest economies, in other words, are engaging in undisclosed and potentially illegal spying and surveillance schemes via official government websites that the public uses to learn about COVID and engage in other forms of propaganda consumption.

Of the 5,550 governmental websites and more than 118,000 URLs administrated by governments, more than 50 percent of their cookies belong to third parties, while anywhere from 10-90 percent originates from known trackers.

“Most of these cookies have a life span of more than a day and many an expiration time of a year or more,” the study reveals.

Roughly 60 percent of government websites use at least one third-party cookie while 95 percent, or nearly all, of them, are creating cookies without user consent. Third-party cookies, by the way, are “known to be tracking users for data collection purposes,” the study explains.

Government websites about the Chinese Virus are the worst offenders, as 99 percent contain hidden cookies that were placed there without user consent.

“For example, the very popular website with global maps about the COVID-19 cases, maintained by Johns Hopkins University, add cookies from 7 trackers,” the paper further reads.

“All the other Top 10 websites are official national information websites in European countries that have three trackers or more. The American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is also in the Top 10, with cookies associated with three trackers.”

It used to be that this type of thing only occurred in overtly communist countries such as China, which leads the way in totalitarianism. As of late, however, the United States and other Western powers appear to be emulating the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) model by imposing “social credit score”-type systems in their respective countries.

The Fauci Flu quickly became a catchall excuse to invade people’s privacy, force certain restrictive behaviors, and even commit medical rape in the form of mandatory masking and “vaccination.”

It turns out that even on the web the government is violating people’s rights and tracking their behavior without permission. The full scope of why the government wants to track people’s online behavior has yet to come into view.

More related news can be found at

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Get Your Anti-Cancer Regimen Rolling After Passing Through TSA Scanners

The TSA scanners are harmful.  If you're healthy and you want to remain that way, do not pass through them.  As intrusive as the pat-downs are, choose them over the scanner.  The scanner can cause disruptions in your cells, organs, and immune system that will get you sick weeks, months, and years later.  Try bringing a lawsuit with incontrovertible proof that the radiation from the TSA backscatter scanners caused your illness.  If you're sick already or weakened by a chronic condition, don't go through the scanners.  You'll only be hurting yourself, your body, your friends, and your loved ones if you decide to pass through them.  Don't do it, please.  The TSA scanners are an attempt by Homeland Security to injure middle-class Americans.  The TSA's back-scanner machines caused a pregnant mother, she believes, to miscarry her baby. 

My doctor knows nothing about health.  I told him that I passed through a TSA scanner, and his answer was, "Well, the radiation is very light.  It is designed only to pass through your clothing."  How do I express my concerns from the TSA millimeter scanners to a doctor who's been won over by government propaganda?  He is a government agent and doesn't know it.

More on TSA backscatter scanners.
Here too

Here is a 2011 report on how the TSA found, only after the X-ray machines were installed, that the radiation produced by each one was more than they had found through their testing.  Safe?  The deception of that word is that we all want to be in something or with someone who makes us feel safe or increases our safety.  Some people turn to pets, where they feel the safest.  Agencies and individuals that do business with the government, like jerk-off Michael Chertoff, like to hide behind the word "Safe" as a way to hurt Americans, particularly middle-class Americans and take their life and their possessions.  Fuck Michael Chertoff.  Is there any single individual in the world who looks more like a Nazi than does Michael "Jerk-off" Chertoff?  

Oh, joy.  Read what Dr. Russell Blaylock says about TSA body scanners.  He asserts that the body scanners are more dangerous than the Federal Government admits.  He states: 

1.  Be concerned about exposing the eyes, since this could increase one’s risk of developing cataracts.
2.  About 5 percent of the population have undiagnosed abnormal DNA repair mechanisms.  When exposed to radiation, this can put them at a cancer risk hundreds of times greater than normal people. It also has been determined that when skin is next to certain metals, such as gold, the radiation dose is magnified 100-fold higher.  What if you have a mole next to your gold jewelry? Will the radiation convert it to a melanoma?
3.  Deficiencies in certain vitamins can dramatically increase your sensitivity to radiation carcinogenesis, as can certain prescription medications.
4.  As for the assurances we have been given by such organizations as the American College of Radiology, we must keep in mind that they assured us that the CT scans were safe and that the radiation was equal to one chest X-ray.  Forty years later we learn that the dose is extremely high, it is thought to have caused cancer in a significant number of people, and the dose is actually equal to 1,000 chest X-rays.  Based on these assurances, tens of thousands of children have been exposed to radiation doses from CT scanners, which will ruin the children’s lives. I have two friends who were high-ranking Environmental Protection Agency scientists, and they assured me that in government safety agencies, politics most often override the scientists’ real concerns about such issues.
5.  This government shares House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s view when she urged passage of the Obamacare bill sight unseen—“Let’s just pass the bill, and we will find out what is in it later.” When the real effects of these scanners on health become known, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and the rest of the gang who insist the scanners are safe will be long gone.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010 9:58 AM
By Dr. Russell Blaylock
Source: NewsMaxHealth

Solutions:  Bill Rounds Says Boycott the TSA.