Showing posts with label Sally Fallon Morrell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sally Fallon Morrell. Show all posts

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Justin Stellman Interviews Sally Fallon Morrell

Sally Fallon Morrell, who went to high school while in Iran, made some interesting points about heart health. She outs statins for how they destroy the muscles around the heart and the heart itself. Instead of statins, she recommends COQ10. COQ10 doesn't really work without cholesterol, so you need to consume foods that maintain healthy levels of cholesterol in your blood. Also, the cholesterol in the food is not the cholesterol in your blood.  Cholesterol is not the cause; it's only a marker. Lower cholesterol is bad for you; in fact, it indicates illness.

Organ meats have lots of B vitamins.
Mix the chicken livers with butter and herbs into a pate.  
Calf livers you can do the same thing.  But she has made the point in an earlier interview that chicken livers have the perfect balance of A and D and K.
She likes brains, marrow, kidneys if they are cooked the right way and sweet bread: bread them and fry them and they'll be just like chicken nuggets.  The only bone I found in the store this morning was a lamb shank.
Muscle meats and organ meats
Blonde Caviar is the least expensive caviar you can buy.  Fish eggs. Salmon, sour cream, and crackers. 
The upper classes ate pig fats.  In lower classes, peasants ate mainly muscle meats.  Kings got organ meats.  Nourishing Traditions by Fallon.
Pregnancy and Infertility
Many women who could not get pregnant ate her diet and became fertile. Soy is an anti-fertility food.  
Both the mother and father should eat this diet for 2 years before they get pregnant.  Not a hard diet to follow.  You're not depriving yourself. You have salt, sweat things, and lots of fat.  Her diet tells how to eat, not what to eat.  It's a philosophy that says yes.  Women have been told from the time they're very young to not eat fat.  And that it's vulgar to eat lard, one of the healthiest cooking fats, filled with Vitamin D.  We've told people not to eat foods that serve them the best.  We've ended up with eating pathologies.  Binging and splurging is what people resort to, where they eat pornographic foods.
Says that Vitamin A is a great protector against soy foods that fill the food market.  Women should avoid xeno estrogens, like drugs, plastic bottles, and industrial chemicals.  Cod liver oil and its Vitamin A is a great protector against pesticides and industrial chemicals.  She recommends one manufacturer.  It's clean and pure.  Many people distribute the oil., Cod Liver Oil, Our #1 Superfood.
Celiac, IBS, and other gastric issues.  Low-fat, low-cholesterol diets cause this.  The gut needs just as much cholesterol as does the brain.  
When she eats grains, she soaks them before cooking them.  Grains are designed to be indigestible.  This is why she says soak the grains before you cook them.  We only have one stomach.  Pre-digest them by breaking them down.  Doing so liberates the minerals and vitamins.  Today we have the added problem of Genetically engineered grains.  Corn, Soy, Canola, and Cotton.  Canola oil is in everything.  Canola oil is a renamed oil that comes from rape seed from India.  It contributes to heart problems. Canola oil is from Canada.  All canola oil is genetically engineered.
Olive oil is fine to cook with because it gets solid in the fridge. Polyunsaturated oils--canola, and soy--are highly reactive.  
Oxidized cholesterol is the cholesterol that causes health problems. Animal fats are the best fats for cooking.  Very stable fats.  Butter, ghee, and olive oil.  How is ghee different from regular butter.  Butter keeps the milk solids, which gives it its flavor.  Ghee has butter fat but no solids.
Raw milk.  She doesn't touch pasteurized, homogenized milk.  She's a big fan of raw milk.  She calls it a "real insurance policy."
If you have digestive problems drinking raw milk, Fallon suggests drinking cultured milk, like Keifer and yogurt.  Milk is a food, not a beverage. Bring it to room temperature and sip slowly.  Always full fat.  Fats are important for digesting the milk.  
Celiac and IBS.  Supplements?  Gut and Psychology Syndrome, GAPS Diet. Take lots and lots of bone broth.  The lining of your small intestine has a layer of cartilage.  And that is fed and nourished by bone broths.  Good for health in almost every world tradition.  Use any animal for bone broth. Lamb bone, turkey carcass, chicken feet.  With the stock, Justin uses mushrooms and vegetables.  Eat your meat with the broth and your meat is more digestible that way.  Water with a meal dilutes your digestive juices, like hydrochloric acid.
Want to buy chicken stock.  Order the Weston Price shopping guide.  It's $3.  There's a page in there on soups and stocks.  
Make your own salad dressings.  The bottled ones are just garbage.
Put more time into your health.  Health is wealth.  A cliche, I know, but true.  
Fermented foods as well.  Big topic.  Sauerkraut, pickled foods, pickled beets.  Every culture has had fermented foods that provide enzymes and good bacteria for good digestion.  Rheumatoid arthritis stems from intestinal walls and health is not correct.  The butter, cod liver oil, stocks, and liver pates are all good for rheumatoid arthritis.