Showing posts with label Practical Liberty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Practical Liberty. Show all posts

Monday, August 28, 2023

the CIA and NSA funded Google. That's a proven thing. There were research grants that they had for surveillance, and Google won those grants.

Who is actually watching us online? 

3 threat vectors: 1) scammers and hackers, 2) big tech, and 3) big brother.  The last 2 work together.  

Google has been shaping the whole NSA and how the NSA collects data.  

How much is Google in bed with the NSA, CIA, and all of that it seems like anybody who is inconvenient with the government gets deplatformed, or anyone who goes against the whole cathedral narrative.  Is there any way of knowing how much the government is dictating who gets canceled and who doesn't? 

The scientists and doctors were censored.  Dude, there were thousands of them that got censored.  So it wasn't just those big names. 

I don't know if we can really know or predict, but we can observe.  We know that the CIA and the NSA funded Google.  That's a proven thing.  There were research grants that they had for surveillance, and Google won those grants.

The other thing that I think of a lot is the Chinese social credit system, which is going on right now in China.  This is real.  It's going on right now.  It's technological slavery, and Google is right at the heart of it.  They have worked closely with the Chinese government.  They don't care about people or individuals.  And I don't consider Google any better than government and anyone who seeks power.  And they all work together, putting this network into place that we don't even have an idea how powerful this network is.

8:45  There's a pro-human and anti-human vibe, and if you're trying to suppress freedom, I consider that anti-human, because then you're just looking for slaves.  Then the liberty side of the spectrum, which is pro-human, we all believe that liberty is the way to reach human flourishing at the maximized potential.  So all of these big companies seem to be working together in a very anti-human way that is . . . totally disturbing.

More disturbing to me are the hordes of people who follow along, get told what to do, get told what to think, and these hordes do not question it.  They don't question the evidence in front of them.  They don't reassess their view. 

What are the risks from hackers and scammers?