Showing posts with label Peter Marks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peter Marks. Show all posts

Thursday, June 27, 2024

AARON SIRI: [Peter Marks] sat, as I would expect, as a partner with Pfizer, defending them from their misconduct. He should have been outraged. He should have said, "Why didn't you report this?" irrespective of why you thought this was related. You had an obligation to tell us of all injuries"

Though Dr. Peter Marks concedes that the COVID-19 vaccine causes a 5-fold increase of myocarditis in children, he still pushes the vaccines.

Friday, June 21, 2024

JENNY MCCARTHY: Do we need the hepatitis B shot in the second day of life?

Saturday, July 9, 2022


Well, Dr. Moybeen Syed is angry.  Why did it take him so long?  He's angry with this statement by Dr. Hannah Rosenblum, M.D., at the CDC.  See it below.  From the Borinquagato report, titled, "All-Cause Mortality Effects of COVID.  

COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring is the most robust in U.S. history and the two complementary surveillance systems used in this study should bolster confidence that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are safe,” said co-author Hannah Rosenblum, MD, also of the CDC, in a statement.  

In my day, we used to call these people bobbleheads, critters whose heads would bobble uncontrollably and incessantly.  And as I read this, all I could do is think of other mouths somewhere deep inside the alphabet agency soup.  It's a moral challenge to call these doctors and M.D.s bobbleheads, for what professional would allow himself or herself to be reduced to being a yesman just so that they can run cover for the deadliest vaccines in world history?  What would make them become this?  Money?  Blackmail?  We know, or at least we're learning what an unmitigated disaster the medical-industrial complex is and has been ever since the Flexner Report.  

Dr. Mobeen is smart, there's no doubt about that.  None.  But once anyone begins to accept the different categories of vaccines as operational language in some mass health plan, they've lost me.  Health is too personal, way too personal. to be left up to some mass plan.  Never accept anything that is perceived or run on a mass scale.  Ever.  Ever.  

Here is Peter Marks, Director of the FDA

As with all vaccines for any population, when authorizing COVID-19 vaccines intended for pediatric age groups, the FDA ensures that our evaluation and analysis of the data is rigorous and thorough.  Peter Marks, M.D., Ph.D., Director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation & Research, June 17, 2022. 

Here is Pfizer's representative, Dr. William Gruber, Pfizer’s VP of vaccine clinical R & D

Yeah, I’ll leave it to Moderna to describe how they address their vaccine dosage.  But I think . . . “Obviously, we don’t have a complete understanding of the nature of the way the vaccine works.” In producing an immune results.   You have to go by the results!  Do these remarks sound like anyone is in control of vaccine quality control AT ALL!!!!!!  I mean at all!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

CDC DIRECTOR, DR. ROCHELLE WALENSKY: "We're all in this together," except when it comes to you getting hurt or dying, or losing abilities that allow you to work

How does she get away with saying, "We have taken another important step together in our fight against COVID-19 by making safe and effective vaccines available for our little ones"?  I mean she's not "in this together" when people suffer vaccine injury and death.  "We have taken"?  Really, I don't remember agreeing to anything related to the masks except being forced to wear them while interacting with customers.  I never agreed to it.  I was forced to, threatened to wear them.  But my former employer didn't coerce me or other employees with vaccine mandates.  But the local stores did.  Oh, yeah, the stores posted signs that read, "If you are vaccinated, you're not required to wear a mask."  Mighty nice of them, except that I wasn't vaccinated and yet I still entered the store without a mask.  

I hope that everybody is realizing now, by now, that this whole pandemic was not about your safety nor was it about your health.  You do know this, correct?  Here is more conflicting testimony.  FDA official, Peter Marks, explains that the vaccine produces 5x more viral myocarditis than what would normally be occurring.  Really?  Do you mean to tell me that myocarditis was a thing in the past, that it was a thing prior to the COVID-19 vaccines?

Wouldn't you assume that the CDC Director knows the claims publicized by the FDA?  Or is it a case, like the FBI and the CIA, that they are competing agencies with each one fighting for a more supreme legitimacy?  Marks serves as the Director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research within the Food and Drug Administration.  So to answer my question, maybe they don't communicate at all.  There would, in fact, be no need to.   

Though I think for some of the younger members of our society who have little experience and little knowledge of how our government, and government in general, is more often in service of murdering you.  Think about the wars, how they send young men off to die in a foreign land in which they have no real skin in the game or no epidermis in the competition.   How many Mengeles does the United States have exactly?  Wait, did I read that right?  Fun Fact: Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Advisor to the President (who is NOT Jewish) was awarded Tel Aviv University's Dan David Prize with $1 million, for "speaking truth to power" amid the COVID-19 pandemic."  What a pantload. 

Tal Zaks is Chief Medical Officer of Moderna.  Since 2021, he's been on the Board of Directors at TEVA Pharmaceuticals.

BillionaireLeonard Schiefer, Founder [co-founded it in 1988] and CEO of Regeneron.  A few highlights of Schiefer's success

Leonard Schleifer cofounded drugmaker Regeneron in 1988 and remains CEO of the Tarrytown, New York company.

Schleifer took Regeneron public in 1991; he owns nearly 4% of the company's common stock.

Sales of Regeneron's blockbuster drug Eylea, a treatment for macular degeneration, reached $4.6 billion in the U.S. in 2019.

Regeneron has developed six FDA-approved medicines.

In June 2020, Regeneron began clinical trials of a new antibody medicine to prevent and treat people with Covid-19.

Rachel Levine, born Richard Levine in 1957, became a "woman" in 2011, Levine is an American pediatrician and a 4-Star Admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.  He has been the United States Assistant Secretary for Health since March 26, 2021.  Appointed by Biden, of course, the WEF's man in the White House.  Regardless of where these folks got their medical or health degrees, be assured that they're top graduates from CLOWN COLLEGE.

Jeff Zients, Albert Bourla, Mikael Dolstein, Sherri Berger, Ann Schuchat, Dr. Rocelle P. Walensky, current Director of the CDC.  Regarding psychopath, Dr. Rochelle P. Walendsky, you really should give this a listenThis one too.  She's had zero credibility, and yet here she is advocating that children under 5 get 3 vaccine doses, let me remind you, for a disease that DOES NOT EFFECT CHILDREN.