Showing posts with label Old Colonial Powers of Europe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Old Colonial Powers of Europe. Show all posts

Sunday, June 2, 2024

TOM LUONGO: Davos, the old colonial powers of Europe, want their colonies back [Louisiana, the United States, etc]

26:15--28:00  Davos wants control, wants to remove Israel from the scene.  Why?  Because they want to finally put to bed the remnants of the British Empire; that includes the British Empire's proxy, the United States.  

I see Davos, the old colonial powers of Europe, as the primary drivers here because psychologically they map to the most aggressive and the most entitled because they've always controlled natural resources of the 3rd world.  They still see the U.S. as one of the colonies.  The French still want Louisiana back.   They still want Quebec back.  They still make a big deal to get Louisiana back [from] the United States.  They still want to rape the Sahel region of Africa for pennies on the dollar.  Same thing with the Germans.  Same thing with the British.  Same thing with the Portuguese, the Dutch, and the Italians, all of them.  They all want it back the way it was before.  

Luongo cites the vitriol of Ambassador Londo Mollari from Babylon 5 as the best depiction in culture of what the Davos crowd wants, "I want it all back the way that it was."  

"You really want to know what I want? You really want to know the truth, yes? I want my people to reclaim their rightful place in the galaxy. I want to see the Centauri stretch forth their hand again, and command the stars. I want a rebirth of glory, a renaissance of power. I want to stop running through my life like a man late for an appointment...afraid to look back, or to look forward. I want us to be what we used to be! I want...I want it all back the way that it was!"

That's why all of a sudden the world is saying, "Hey man, it's okay to hate Israel.  We're all pro-Palestine."  Everybody's like, "That doesn't make any sense.  [Then] why is Sunak pro-Palestinian?"  Because he works for Davos.  It's not that hard.  

Here is the full interview.  

37:00.  The entire city of London apparatus buying up treasuries like crazy in order to prop up the long end of the US yield curve meaning suppressed rates and hold up prices in the Bank of England has done this and all of the Bank of England's proxies by the way Bermuda the British Virgin Islands the Caymans all the offshore tax savings that are nominally under British crown control they've been buying the crap out of US Treasury so everybody's going to die yeah but the bank of England just bought $600 billion.  They are the 4th highest holder of US debt at this point total within that system, like, up from $350 billion so this is how much of other people's money they have spent to suppress the price to do yield curve control on the US yield curve in order to keep the German yield curve from exploding to the upside and collapsing all of the European Banks.  It's a game of extend and pretend.   That's EU's modus operandi.  Extend and pretend in one Arena in order to create plots and counter plots and subplots in another Arena Financial extended pretend in order to politically advance other agenda and attack another idiot the US legal system, for example, the political system for example why do we go after Donald Trump with non-crimes not because Trump isn't whatever you think of trump is irrelevant what's important is that the Fallout from this case is to destroy the concept that the United States is anything other than a mafia-narco state and that there's no rule of law left. And then if the US were to seize the Russian foreign reserves, your money is not safe there either.  Now who does s*** like this?  Why would the United States do this?  And don't give me the spinal response that's been programmed to trigger into you "Oh that the US is just trying to protect its Empire."  B*******.  That is not what's going on.  This is foreign interference in our f****** system.  So, who are the foreigners?  I happen to choose Europe.  Why? Because they're the ones with the most to f****** lose.  The Chinese aren't doing this because they have so much to lose.  All the Chinese have to do is sit back and buy the yuan and buy gold and make friends across Asia.  Same thing with the Russians.  They don't have to do anything except occasionally lob artillery at the Ukrainians and strategically take out the concentration of NATO guys that wander across the border to run the attacking systems and whatever else we put in place which is all real.  That's all the Russians have to do.  They have to do nothing.  And when the Chinese have no real need to destabilize the US that way, the Chinese would be better served not to do this because you don't want the United States to collapse as a consumer economy, as a productive economy, as an innovation economy.  You don't want that.  It's not a zero-sum game. The real game of geopolitics is a bad model because the game never ends.  It's not a game that ends.  These all people think it ends.  If I go back and watch The Watchmen again when Ozymandias turns to Doctor Manhattan and says in the end, "I did the right thing didn't I, John?"  The world just keeps going on and there's no one singular narrative.  To circle all the way back around to what you said about the people having a hard time understanding what I'm saying is because they need this prima facia evidence of the need for a singular narrative because you cannot deal with the idea that it's just a bunch of people b******* or it's foreign multiple forces competing factions doing their thing.  At the end, there's a bunch of cards on the table and somebody goes "I've got five sites.  I win. Shuffle up the deal, let's do it again."