Showing posts with label Nasty Attacks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nasty Attacks. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

“That Is an Outrageous, Vicious Lie!” – Dr. Scott Atlas DESTROYS Dr. Birx after Her Disgusting Attacks in CBS Interview

I thought that this was an important interview to do and to listen to, for Dr. Scott Atlas, as a public health policy expert working with a lot of smart health professionals at the Hoover Institute, was not given the due respect in DC by Anthony Fauci or Dr. Birx.  And though I'd known of their attacks, I didn't realize how nasty they were at digging at a professional's credibility when they themselves have been lying to the public in their role on the White House's COVID-19 Task Force.  Fauci and Birx should have been expunged from the task force.  

It's important to not take hits lying down, and that's exactly what this interview does is provide Atlas with that opportunity to answer Birx's hit job.

Dr. Scott Atlas: This is sort of stunning to me that people would be personally threatened because other people are providing information… Anyone who is personally threatened by that should really look in the mirror and reexamine her role there… It was really outrageous to imply or say that I ever fed the President of the United States false, misleading or non-scientific information. That is an outrageous, vicious lie. And apparently, someone was so threatened that they thought that she thought the best way to make herself look good is to tear other people down.