Showing posts with label NOAA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NOAA. Show all posts

Monday, October 10, 2022

the real threat isn't from climate change, it's from climate change policies that make energy scarce and expensive

Prior to Hurricane Ian, this has been the quietest start to hurricane season in 30 years.  But the climate alarmists are going to alarm us.  

DON LEMON: What effect does climate change have on this phenomenon, that is happening now because it seems these storms are intensifying, that's the question.

JAMIE ROHME: I don't think you can link climate change to any one event . . . to any one event, I would caution against that.

LEMON:  Look, I grew up there, and these storms are intensifying.  

Intensifying, remember that word, the new word from Climate Change Davos, the EU, and the WEF that has been inserted into the non-debate over climate change.  

Now what's the truth here, let's just stick to the facts about the frequency and intensification of the hurricanes.  

SHELLENBERGER:  Yeah, the basic facts is that there's been no increase in landfall in hurricanes over the last 120 years; in fact, there's a slight decline.  There is no science supporting the idea that hurricanes have become more frequent.  In fact, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, NOAA, predicts that the frequency of hurricanes will actually decline by 25%.  They also expect that they'll intensify by 5% but they are not intensifying right now.  So any perception that hurricanes are more intense is just a perception fed by that relentless, alarmist media.  I think also there's just a lot more people that live in hurricane alley and we're much more resilient to extreme weather events.  So there's just a lot more people experiencing hurricanes because we're just so wealthy and prosperous and there's so many more of us, so I think that's what creates this false perception.    

INGRAM:  A lot of emotions that are pouring out of people while they watch the hurricane on television. 

SHELLENBERGER:  Yeah, that's right.  It's the manipulation of people's feelings.  It's good to feel compassionate for the people that are struggling under extreme weather events, that's a positive feeling.  But I you get this manipulation of emotion.  There is something on the Left is that if you're serious about something, if you really care about something, then you'll exaggerate it.  So you see this constant exaggeration of all these issues.  Climate Change being the prime example of it.  The fact of the matter is that deaths from natural disasters have been going down.  The costs have not increased at all.  The increased costs from hurricane damage is just that there's more wealth in harm's way.  And so for that reason, we've actually seen the number of disasters, not extreme weather events, but disasters which are measured in deaths and costs has actually declined since the beginning of this [the 21st] century.  And that's great news; it means we're actually becoming much more resilient, much more capable of dealing with these extreme weather events.  It's actually a story of success, and our hearts go out to people suffering from extreme weather, but the big picture is it's really been an incredible success story for people living in the United States and societies around the world. 

INGRAM:  Just to give you a little gift, Michael, here's Joy Reid 

SHELLENBERGER:  It's become a religion, Laura.  It's an apocalyptic religion, a kind of reversion to the sphere of the Sky Gods.  It's a pagan religion, this irrational fear, and obvious they're trying to attract eyeballs too.  It's a manipulation.  It's bizarre.  And obviously the real threat isn't from climate change, it's from climate change policies that make energy scarce and expensive, like you were just talking about with the disaster that's unfolding in Europe.  We have to make sure that doesn't happen here.  Abundant energy is the key, and much of that agenda to hype climate change is about stifling domestic energy production, making energy scarce and expensive, so we really have to guard against that.  

INGRAM:  And doing things like banning natural gas appliances, which is taking root all over the United States, these local bans, Santa Barbara I remember started it, now it's moving across into New York and other places, it's just going to make people's lives more miserable and make people have a lower standard of living.

Shellenberger's book, Apocalypse Never, 2020.

Monday, July 18, 2022

Climate engineering is this primary causal factor for the protracted drought not just in the western U.S. but many other parts of the world.

Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with climate researcher Dane Wigington, founder of for 7.16.22.  

This topic seems current lately after listening to Tom Luongo's talk on inside outside money.  

Whereas Robert Barnes, Meryl Nass, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. have been leading the fight against mandates and fraudulence within pharmaceutical companies, others have stepped up in their respective industries.  I've never heard of Dane Wigington, so I am looking forward to what he has to say.  

Okay, looking at satellite photography, Wigington is saying that extended drought situation is with us that mainstream and official sources are sweeping under the rug, and we're talking about 40 million people in the west will be without water by the drying out of the Colorado River, basin, tributaries, reservoirs.  If you look what and we stated on the record going back a decade and a half was done in 2008, paid for out of pocket, by Geo  Our first full page newspaper ad in California.  He stated what was coming a decade and a half ago.  How did he know? If Climate Geo Engineering continued, and they were, this had to happen.  We're not guessing or speculating.  We know the drought causing effects stratospheric aerosol geo engineering, that is well acknowledged by the scientific community.  When you fill the atmosphere up with too many condensation nuclei, you diminish and disperse, you migrate it somewhere else.  So you have droughts and deluge all of which is crushing crops.  And it's not "coming," off in the future somewhere.  It's here now.  And will radically worsen from here on.  Again, we're looking at satellite imagery testing the precipitation, showing us what's in the air column.  We took a NOAA flying lab, National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, altitude test behind heavy aircraft.  There's no speculation, no hypothesis, no conjecture in any of this.  Climate engineering is this primary causal factor for the protracted drought not just in the western U.S. but many other parts of the world.

He doesn't give a time frame or what kind of consumption restrictions residents will be under. Hunter holds up a rain map of the western states to show how bad of a drought condition California, Nevada, Utah, Texas, and even Colorado is in.  And Wigington points directly to the geo engineering that modifies the weather patterns and that leaves a lattice of streaks tens of miles across the sky.