Showing posts with label Michael Malice (@michaelmalice). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael Malice (@michaelmalice). Show all posts

Wednesday, August 17, 2022



Confessions of a Tax Collector: One Man's Tour of Duty Inside the IRS, Richard Yancey, 2004. 

Lois Lerner's defense attorney, Judge Bruce Reinhart, lead lawyers of the Jeffrey Epstein case that kept him out of prison.  He said that what Lois Lerner by destroying documents, was using and weaponizing the IRS to go after political dissident groups, tax protestors, TEA party folks, anybody that was anti-Obama, and got away with all of it, he was one of her lead public defenders.  And then 

24:40. Barnes:  I was doing cases parallel at the same time because the IRS was using ObamaCare to gather everybody's private medical records.  They were going to medical records facilities that have massive databases of medical records and they were seizing them in the name of the IRS to purportedly monitor  individual mandate compliance.  But what they had done, they jad gathered all the records of cases that I brought: 6worryinggiven medical records, 10 million Americans. I brought the biggest Bivens class action in history at the time.  They had the records of every judge in the state of California.  Not just the judge, their family members.  They knew whose wife, whose partner was getting sex addiction treatment, alcohol treatment, drug treatment, what they were talking about with their shrink.  Which movie director had 4 fetishes not just the one publicly known.  Which actor had previously 3 undisclosed heart attacks that would make him unbondable.  Which major league baseball player had undisclosed injuries.  I call it J. Edgar Hoover's wet dream of a blackmail file.  And they had gathered all if it, and Lerner was doing that at the same time. It was going to be the biggest political private . . . and this goes on top of all this information they have on your tax return.  You disclose who you live with.  You disclose what your family relationships are.  You disclose who your intimate partners are.  You disclose who your family is.  You disclose what your religion is.  You disclose what your political party is because you say who you make donations and contributions to.  You disclose your everyday lifestyle.  There's this guy who wrote a book called, Confessions of a Tax Collector: One Man's Tour of Duty Inside the IRS, Richard Yancey, 2004, that reads like Josef Conrad's Heart of Darkness, like going into the jungle, because it's about him going insane as a tax collector, who says "within a few key strikes, I could know more about your life than your did."  Yeah, because people didn't realize how much was being disclosed in that world.  So clearly, the raid at Mar-a-Lago has nothing to do with worrying about documents given that this is a traditional conflict that happens all the time.  [26:40]  Given they had all kinds of other remedies.  Given that Trump was already in negotiation with them.  And given the way that the executed this warrant is not consistent with the narrative we're seeing from the media.  A much more likely narrative . . . now there are some people who thought that means they're about to indict Trump, this about January 6th, I don't think any of that is true.  There is still a risk if tat, but if they thought that inducting Trump would work they just saw the political blowback from just doing a search warrant. And so they should wake up to realize that would be a nightmare that would push America over a political precipice that it never has.  Because we've already seen the political blowback. For a long time, many people on the right were the last defenders of J. Edgar Hoover's creation of the FBI.  These people tend to keep forgetting.  "Oh, it's just recent."  A lit if my conservative friends say, "This just the last couple of years the FBI has got out of hand."  It's like this organization was created by J. Edgar Hoover.

He deported Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman to the Soviet Union in 1919.

Yes, he placed a wide range of blame on anarchist groups for the Palmer Raids.  It's that he most likely and fabricated as a way to create the FBI in the first place.  He magically showed up at some of the scenes of the Palmer raids.  There are all kinds of interesting Hoover stories connected to the raids.  But you're talking about one of the most corrupt . . . if there's a personification of the idea of the Deep State, it is J. Edgar Hoover.  The only difference is that it's a little bit overt right now.  That is Hoover operated in secret in terms of his most elicit activities.  His lies were public, but his bad acts were private.  Here the FBI is saying, "We're doing this out in the open."  I think they thought that this wouldn't get publicly disclosed.  They went in under plain clothes.  They didn't publicly leak it.  It's not like they don't have a history if doing that when they want to.  They didn't publicly leak it to anybody.  My guess is that they thought Trump would be embarrassed . . . most Americans are.  That's something you keep your mouth shut about.  Well, of course, not Trump.  Trump was disclosing it while the raid was going on. 

Monday, May 16, 2022

NEBRASKA GOV. PETE RICKETTS: "Yes, they're still babies"