Showing posts with label Marcus Julian Felicetti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marcus Julian Felicetti. Show all posts

Monday, February 8, 2016


"Magnesium helps to fix calcium properly"

One of the supplements that I love, one in which there are no adverse side effects, is magnesium.  When I do have a bout of high blood pressure, I take magnesium, and it is gone and managed for the next several months.  And because this mineral is so important in managing this condition and has benefits overall for everything else, I do prefer to take this nutrient in supplement form instead of a food.  Why?  Because some of the foods that are high in magnesium I have a mild allergy to.  Not allergic to bananas, but the sugar content does not help me.  I am, however, mildly allergic to brown rice.  I like brown rice.  I eat it on rare, rare occasions because I like the taste and like how I can doctor it up with vegetables, spices, meats, and so forth.  But I can only tolerate this on rare, rare occasions.  

The particular kind of magnesium that I take is Life Extension's, Magnesium L-Threonate.  This stuff produces amazing dreams when you sleep.  Talk about waking up refreshed and cogent.  Love this stuff.  Though truth be told I do like GABA for relaxation and focus.  But there are other benefits one obtains from magnesium, and I've lifted them from this article by Marcus Julian Felicetti and listed them below.  I thought that they were worth a gander.  

Though I am not a big advocate of high doses of anything or of everything, and not using the nutrient or soil deficiency argument but instead pointing to a diet that is inconsistent, I do believe that taking a little extra for a short time does right the ship so to speak.  Like a cold, for example.  It doesn't hurt to take high doses of Vitamin C with the sole and exclusive purpose of diminishing the viral load, particularly if you're living with other people whose immunity might be vulnerable during the winter months from being inside more hours of the day than, say, in the summer.  It's not nice to get other people sick.  Try it some time, and you'll see what it does to long-standing friendships.

Felicetti points to insufficient nutrients in our foods:
If you think that the amount of Magnesium you obtain from your food is sufficient without supplementation, then I would say thinking is for people who don't know. Be sure by having it tested. And when you do have it tested, aim to have optimum levels of Magnesium, not just meeting the minimum.
Then he reminds us that our soil is deficient, even on farms where organic products are grown:
Remember that even organic soils are depleted of minerals. And non-organic farming has virtually no nutrients in it. Furthermore, there are many ways in which Magnesium is lost from the body, e.g. alcohol, coffee, black tea, grains, soy, most pharmaceutical drugs, calcium supplements.
He adds that
Regular supplementation is a reliable way to boost your magnesium levels. For more information on what kinds of magnesium supplements are well absorbed and utilized, see my website.
Here is his list of benefits of Magnesium:

1. Better sleep - The sleep-regulating hormone melatonin is disturbed when Magnesium is deficient. Furthermore, Magnesium brings balance and controls stress hormones. Stress and tension are often reasons why people suffer from insomnia in the first place.

2. Relaxes the nervous system - Serotonin, which relaxes the nervous system and elevates mood, is dependent on Magnesium.

3. Bigger, stronger muscles - Magnesium allows the body to produce more Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1), which is a major contributor to the growth and strength of muscles. Furthermore, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the cell's energy store and is created with help from Magnesium.

4. Better flexibility -Magnesium loosens tight muscles. Without Magnesium, muscles do not relax properly and cramps occur. Magnesium is important for flexibility, because of low Magnesium results in a buildup of lactic acid, causing pain and tightness.

5. Bone integrity and strength - Magnesium helps to fix calcium properly. It may blow some people's minds that the calcium supplements they're taking are not only useless but are actually contributing to osteoporosis! There are actually about eighteen essential nutrients that contribute to bone health; Magnesium is definitely one of the most essential because it stimulates a particular hormone called calcitonin. And, it also suppresses a hormone called parathyroid that breaks down bone.

6. Remineralizes teeth -Magnesium deficiency causes an unhealthy balance of phosphorous and calcium in saliva, which damages teeth.

7. Alkalizes the body -Magnesium helps return the body’s pH balance. Magnesium reduces lactic acid, which is partly responsible for post-exercise pain (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness).

8. Hydrates -Magnesium is a necessary electrolyte essential for proper hydration.

9. Helps to relieve constipation -Magnesium can be used to cleanse the bowels of toxins.

10. Enzyme function -Enzymes are protein molecules that stimulate every chemical reaction in the body. Magnesium is required to make hundreds of these enzymes work and assists with thousands of others.

11. Diabetes -Magnesium enhances insulin secretion, which facilitates sugar metabolism. Without Magnesium, glucose is not able to transfer into cells. Glucose and insulin build up in the blood, causing various types of tissue damage, including the nerves in the eyes.

There are many other benefits of Magnesium: It helps prevent stroke, heart disease, period pain, and more. You can check out my website for further information on Magnesium and how exactly to increase magnesium levels effectively.