Showing posts with label Lynda Wharton and Alan Dana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lynda Wharton and Alan Dana. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Arteries don't have clots in them.

His names is Dr. Chris Shoemaker. 

There's a very strong pathology group out of Germany that is analyzing this, and I've seen their slides.  And their slides show this incredible, what they call lymphocytic reaction, lymphocytosis reaction to the vaccine.  This is only to the vaccine that they're looking at.  The entire lymphocytic system of your body, the lymphocytosis system of your body, all of the lymphocytes are driven crazy by the presence of what's on this vaccine, and they're driven so crazy that they start tearing into the spleen or tearing into the wall of the aorta or tearing into the kidney, doing ridiculous things to multiple organs.  And the dead people, and believe me, these are dead people that the pathologists are looking at.  Some of the dead people have horrific lymphocytic changes in their brain.  Some it's the heart.  Some it's the aorta.  Some it's the spleen.  Some it's the ovaries.  Horrific changes in the ovaries and the reproductive system of women.  And it's horrible to look at under a microscope.  And this again is in vaccine-treated people who have died suddenly.  And these changes, these lymphocytosis changes have never been seen before of this type and in multiple organs of this type.  This has never been seen before.  This what these expert pathologists say.  This only came out in 2021 and only in vaccinated-deceased people.  The other thing that they've never seen before, and this is quite different than a lymphocytosis damaging your aorta or other organs or your brain, this is a stringy clotting of your arteries.  It's normal post-mortem to find some clots in veins.  Any number of diseases can cause you to die and have a certain kind of pooling of blood and some clots in your veins.  To have clots in your arteries virtually never happen.  To have actual clots in your actual arteries of your body, which are the high-pressure vessels leaving your heart, going out, which you can't afford to cut which you'll bleed to death in two minutes if you cut a major artery.  Arteries don't have clots in them. 

Part II (1:22 minutes long)

Here is the full video (2 and 1/2 hours long).  The other members in this discussion are Lynda Wharton and Alan Dana.