Showing posts with label Kari Lake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kari Lake. Show all posts

Thursday, January 25, 2024

BREAKING: Arizona Republican Party chair Jeff DeWit caught on secret recording trying to bribe Kari Lake not to run for the Senate.

Kari Lake: They're going to have to kill me to stop me. 

BREAKING: Arizona Republican Party chair Jeff DeWit caught on secret recording trying to bribe Kari Lake not to run for the Senate.

Holy s***! "There are very powerful people who want to keep you out," he said. At one point during the secret recording, Lake was asked to name her "number." DeWit: "Just say, is there a number at which..." Lake: "I can be bought? That's what it's about." DeWit: "You can take a pause for a couple of years. You can go right back to what you're doing." Lake: "This is not about money, it's about our country." WOW. 🔥

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Richard Baris: Election Day chaos disproportionately effected Republican Voters and believes it possibly affected the outcome

This is just wild.  Expert pollster with one of the best records in the business bar none damns the anomolies in the Arizona governor's race.  Check it out.  

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

AZ Secretary of State in charge of elections... Who is also conveniently running for AZ Governor.

Did Katie Hobbs not want further debate with Lake because she knew it was unnecessary?  Looks like all elections and all democratic candidates will be replays of the 2020 presidential election.  From this day forward, we'll always have a basement Joe or a Dan Fetterman or a Katie Hobbs whose performance is so abysmal and it's not to win but it's to hang in there until Election Day and the machines or the procedures will take care of the outcomes.