Showing posts with label Just Mindy 🐊 (@just_mindy). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Just Mindy 🐊 (@just_mindy). Show all posts

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Because her reaction to the 1st AZ jab was so severe she was dropped from trial, her data was ‘lost’, she was excluded from the trial results.

Her name is Brianne DressenHere is her story.  

Just remember that folks who try to downplay the mass murder, the crippling health effects by the vaccines in those who survived the vaccines, and the state, county, and federal officials are your enduring and interminable enemies who wanted to eat you and keep you from your loved ones and created a vaccine that sheds [they all shed], but that they also told you to hold in place on what constituted the largest global house arrest episode in history.  With families staying inside together and sharing bathrooms, the likelihood of the toxic spike proteins shedding increased by almost certainty-level percentage.  

Professor Emily Oster's article in The Atlantic and the decisive takedown of her is here.  The "you tried to eat us" is the most accurate metaphor you'll find on what Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Anthony Fauci, your governor, your County health official, corporate grocery store chain and restaurant tried to do to you.  

Never forget.  Never forgive.  And hold the line.  

Monday, October 31, 2022

"Pandemic Amnesty" Is a Much Watch

1.  Read the article.

2.  Read the critique.

3.  BTW, big pharma, big tech, & big gov't will not be surrendering big COVID anytime soon.  Why would they?  Would you dismantle or burn to ashes your cash cow?   

These folks implicitly endorse mass murder.  Have they not paid any attention to the numbers?  Are they just responding to the feelings of society or reading their Ouija board?