Showing posts with label Jewish/Arab Conflict. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jewish/Arab Conflict. Show all posts

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Holocaust survivor Gabor Maté describes the Israel 🇮🇱 Palestine 🇵🇸 conflict as the longest ethnic cleansing operation of the 20th 21st centuries…

Here is the full 12:38 presentation. 
Thanks to Jak.

@ 10:40, he references Ilan Pappe, an Israeli historian, "totally eloquent on Israeli history, who's living in England now because life in Israel became too difficult for him.  Anybody can listen to Norman Finkelstein, a Jewish professor and world expert on Gaza, who was denied tenure at his university because of his public speaking against Israeli policy.  You can listen to any number of Israeli defense forces soldiers who talk about the brutality that they now regret having committed.  You can listen to Israeli pilots who talk about why they refuse to fly over Gaza because of the atrocities they are made to commit.  You can get all the information you.  So if anybody these days doesn't know, it's not because the information is not available.  It's not what you know, it's what you could know if you wanted to find out.