Showing posts with label Jamie Mustard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jamie Mustard. Show all posts

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Standing Out and Healing Trauma with Jamie Mustard

5:42  He cites Linda Stone, researcher for Microsoft and Apple, who explains that people are only partially paying attention.  Continuous partial attention means they're distracted by all this stuff.  To the degree that people are only paying partial attention to you, to that degree, you are invisible.  And that has a psychological effect.  When we feel that people aren't paying attention to us, it makes us anxious.  "Is she hearing me?  Are they hearing me?  Why even talk if no one is even paying attention to me?  I'm dissatisfied with my life, because I can't get the attention that I know my great ideas I have to say deserves, and ultimately that can become depressing for people. 

7:05  Prey series by John Sandford.  

12:50  There is something more important to life than hard work.  There's something more important.