Showing posts with label Gun violence in America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gun violence in America. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

CHINA'S FOREIGN MINISTRY ON 2ND AMENDMENT: "That's the freedom the US advocates--the freedom to shoot other people"

Zhao Lijian, China's Foreign Ministry head, doesn't like the fact that Americans have a natural right to defend themselves against bigger enemies than themselves--in fact, any enemy--if they're called to do that.  Perhaps Lijian would like to render Americans defenseless.  Perhaps he'd like to take away granny's guns or grandpa's guns who lives along out in the country?  Perhaps he'd like to take the guns from a working single mother?  

But this video, and the fact that it was published, gives me pause.  Why is a Chinese official commenting on American rights and using those comments to indict the evils in the hearts of Americans?  From the weekly headlines, we hear about how dangerous Chicago is, mainly for its restrictions on gun rights.  And it is true that other American cities have a problem with indiscriminate gun violence.  So you may want to check up on that city before you decide to move there.  But these are American problems, and more likely problems to do with democratic party policies from the states and the federal government.  In other words, they're government-related, not gun-related. 

To a life-enhancing, life-protecting, defender of life, Zhao Lijian's message is irrational.  And given that it is irrational, is this trying to render in the minds of Americans and gun-owners that somehow our American counterpart is more rational, that an American official's call for disarmament more rational?  I wonder if this isn't one of the plays in broadcasting this message to American audiences.  I do wonder how much of America the Chinese own.  We know they own American politicians.  Maybe Swalwell was just the designated fall guy.  

Just as it is odd for a Russian to hear an American politician comment on life in Kiev or Moscow and would cause revulsion to hear some idiot politician who has no skin in the game of his life over there, it is equally offensive to hear a Chinese official comment on American life.  

Finally, isn't China commenting on American violence just a bit hypocritical?  Methinks it is. 

There is: 

Tiananmen Square.

Its war against the Falun Gong. 

Its 30-year war against its own people.

What about its war on children, where adults were only allowed 1 child per family

What I saw then, living in an agricultural commune in rural Guangdong, rivals anything that happened in Nazi Germany. One day in 1980 several hundred young mothers, all pregnant with second or higher-order children, were ordered to attend population control meetings. There they were told that they would all have to abort their pregnancies. Those who refused were arrested for the “crime” of being pregnant and locked up until they, too, buckled under the pressure and submitted to an abortion. 

There is a database, in fact, of massacres in China.  Tell us again about the United States massacring its people.  Maybe we can agree that it's not the violence of a particular country, but more that governments around the world massacre their own people quite often.  There are good reasons for self-defense.  Protection against one's own government may be on the top of some people's list.