Showing posts with label Gilbert Gottfried. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gilbert Gottfried. Show all posts

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Gilbert Gottfried, 1955-2022

I’ve always felt sorry for Jesus ‘cause you know no matter what he ever did, he could never live up to his father.  Gilbert Gottfried


Mark Groubert,

He was a savant.  The guy was a pure savant.  He started when he was 15 years old as a standup.  Gilbert's genius was that he worshipped old Hollywood.  He worshipped Bella Lugosi.  He worshipped the old movies.  He never felt he was part of show business.  He was always an outsider looking in."

Thank you to Eric Hunley and Mark Groubert from America's Untold Stories for honoring Gottfried.  Loved hearing that Mark not only grew up with Gilbert but that they worked together.  Here is Gottfried's November, 2021, interview, #1729, with Joe Rogan.  It's 3 hours long.