Gary Bohm, host of Metals and Miners. Find his Twitter feed here.
00:32. Martin Armstrong founder of Armstrong economics he's a developer of the Armstrong economic confidence model best known for calling the crash of 1987 to the very day his most important view of the world is where boom bust Cycles occur like clockwork every 8.6 years and what matters to him the most is his record as a forecaster Martin welcome to metals and minors and thank you so much for joining us today.
01:03. The Trump Administration wants to end the war in Ukraine and bring peace to the people of that land the European powers I want to keep the war going and they're doubling down the French president macron came out and he essentially said no the war is going to keep going on other EU leaders are saying the same and they're raising hundreds of billions of dollars to ensure and even providing new weapons some believe that they want the $75 trillion worth of critical minerals Russ ian that the Russian land holds in urinalysis why are the European powers want to keep the war going and what do you expect expect next with these Divergent actions between the US and the EU?
01:46. ARMSTRONG. I think probably we should start with the fact that everything we hear about Ukraine has been nothing but propaganda. We started the war. I mean there are videos of Victoria Nuland during 2014 Revolution handing out sandwiches and cookies. They had John McCain there on the stage saying "Yes, overthrow your government! America stands behind you!" Can you imagine if somebody from China stood on the steps of Congress and said, "Yes, overthrow your government! We're with you!" The arrogance of the Neocons is just off the charts. Once we replaced that government we stuck in an interim government which was not elected and they were told to attack the Donbass. So we started the Civil War. Look at when Zelensky was elected. The death toll of Ukrainians was about 13,000. He promised to run on peace. He gets in there, and the Neocons get a hold of him and he basically sells out his country. The death toll now has exceeded 1.1 million.
03:20. And most of those are young men. They're just wiping out an entire generation of men.
03:27. Europe doesn't care. They are willing to fight to the last Romanian, Ukrainian, and Pole, and they think that that will weaken Russia, and then we'll step in. In all honesty, there's always been this resentment in Europe against America. That they were the pinnacle of the world economy, yet they had to come begging for help from us in World War 1 and WW2. It's just the way they are. I've been dealing in France for decades. I was called in by one of the top banks and told that I had to bring a translator. Fine. When you're in a financial meeting, translation is questionable sometimes because they don't know the terms. So "bull market" turns into a "meat market." So you have to be mindful of what's going on. So I bring a translator and I had to stop her and correct her, and they looked at me and they said, "Do you know what she's saying?" I said, "Well, I'm not a complete idiot. I'm not fluent, but I understand financial terms." Then they dismissed her, and the meeting takes place in English.
I just did a report because I thought it was important. It's only like $9.95. It's an account of basically where we are. The Neocons created Europe after World War II. They were all bitterly hating each other. So the CIA and our American neocons wanted it united as a buffer against Russia, the same way as Europe is using Eastern Europe today. The main contention was de Gaulle out of France. They had to threaten to cut off the Marshall Plan. No more money, the same as Trump is doing to Ukraine. He finally relented and he said, All right, he'll accept into Germans, but he wouldn't accept the British. They just hate . . . this hatred is they feel that if Napoleon had won at Waterloo, the world would be speaking French. The resentment between the two of them just goes back centuries. When they built the trains under the English Channel, where did it connect in Britain? At Waterloo Station. Just to piss off the French. So these things have been going back and forth. So de Gall refused to allow the British into the EU. They joined only after he died. So these are the real facts.
07:22. So, what do you see as the next step here? Is the EU looking to broaden this war?
07:31. Absolutely. When they were forming the euro, we were basically foreign exchange specialists around the world. And very briefly, when we were going to open an office in Geneva, I knew there was this anti-Americanism there and I had a list of European names and went to lunch with one of the heads of the top three Banks, who was a client of ours. And I asked him, "What name should we use?" and he said to me, "Name one European analyst." And I was embarrassed because I couldn't and he laughed and he says there are none and he said to me you don't know why everybody uses you and I said no and he said because you don't care if the dollar goes up or down I said it's just the trade in Europe and it's still this way today the politicians use the currency to validify their performance so the Deutsche Mark is up 10% that proves I did a good job vote for me consequently you did not find any Analyst at any of the major institutions would be allowed to say oh the Deutsche Mark is going to go down 20% if it was a political statement so just as we've seen this like covid is cancel culture