Showing posts with label GMO Mosquitos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GMO Mosquitos. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Following pushback from legislators, California’s DPR announced Oxitec voluntarily withdrew its research authorization application to test its GE mosquitoes in California.

Though California already released Bill Gates' mosquitos last year, it is good to see that this latest round came to a halt by California legislators.  

While the EPA extended Oxitec’s EUP both the Florida Department of Agriculture and California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) must approve Oxitec’s testing in order for it to move forward in their states.
Following pushback from legislators, California’s DPR announced Oxitec voluntarily withdrew its research authorization application to test its GE mosquitoes in California.
Locally acquired malaria has been nonexistent in the U.S. for the last 20 years, but five such cases have recently been diagnosed — four in Florida and one in Texas.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

U. OF MARYLAND described the use of a genetically modified live parasite as a vaccine as “a total game changer"

This story isn't going away.  Where are the authorities to prevent harm?  How does Bill Gates have carte blanche in in his ability to harm the land, the skies, and people's health?   

This is just incredible.  I hope the participants in the study made some decent money.  

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded a malaria vaccine trial study that used genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes to vaccinate humans.

team of researchers at the University of Washington conducted the study, which was published in the Science Translational Medicine journal.

The study involved 26 participants who received three to five “jabs” — or bites from a small box containing 200 GM mosquitoes — over a 30-day period.

Sanaria, a company funded in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), is closely connected to the research, and the researchers involved in the trial use a gene-editing technology heavily promoted by Bill Gates. 

What nefarious project ongoing somewhere in the world is Bill & Melinda Gates not involved with?  Like Fauci, the Gates monster can't hold to his word, or maybe he's truly living up  to his word when back in 2010 he called for "the decade of the vaccine."  He's applying more than a decade.  And each one of his vaccines are causing sterility in everyone who gets a jab.  

At present, only one malaria vaccine is in use. The RTS,S vaccine produced by GlaxoSmithKline was approved by the World Health Organization in October 2021, but reportedly has an efficacy rate of only 30-40%. 

That's cold comfort.  And my guess is that this GMO mosquito as syringe is not a new technology, that they've not only conducted trials, but they've also conducted clandestine field trials upon an unsuspecting people, like the folks in California and Florida.  

Why is it, too, that the outlet that these vaccine researchers go to is NPR?  I mean if you ask vaccine researcher how he feels about his vaccine research, aren't you kind of guaranteed to get the kind of answer you're looking for?  That's not exactly journalism.  That's stenography.

Dr. Kirsten Lyke, a vaccine researcher at the University of Maryland, described the use of a genetically modified live parasite as a vaccine as “a total game changer,” saying the team of researchers “went old school with this one.”

“All things old become new again,” Lyke told NPR.

Lyke, who was not involved in the GM mosquito malaria trial, led the Phase 1 trials for the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and also served as co-investigator for COVID-19 vaccine trials administered by Moderna and Novavax. 

Perhaps the real story are the conflicting statements.  At least in this article, that conflict is shown.  

In Brazil, the GM mosquitoes that were released were said to lack the ability to produce offspring — but were nevertheless found to have reproduced. 

This is what happens all the time.  These research companies or their vaccine manufacturer consortium or the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will publish a press release about how wonderful the thing to disarm any criticism and critical thinking only to discover in follow-up that the experiment didn't go as wonderful as we thought.   Oh, what a surprise.  

Is this Gates paying lip service to consent?  

And even Gates, in his 2018 Foreign Affairs article, could not ignore the myriad of ethical controversies associated with CRISPR. 

The only reason the malevolent and sadistic eugenicist, Bill Gates, would ever grow excited about any new gene technology is if it renders the victims of this machinations totally and completely sterile with little evidence that that was the original intention. 

In a 2021 blog post addressing recent CRISPR-related developments, Gates said his “excitement about CRISPR has grown from super high to off the charts.”

Instead, he'll cite a bug or a rare mosquito that needs liquidating and use his GMO products to purportedly take out his designated and conjured enemy.  But he's really only interested in one thing: to depopulate the planet.  He is a eugenicist after all.  He wants to be like daddy.   Time to send the two of them back to Hell.  

Thursday, March 10, 2022



Millions of genetically modified mosquitoes are set to be released in California and Florida in an effort to reduce the number of real, disease-carrying invasive mosquitoes. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Monday approved [the] use of the genetically-engineered insects in pilot projects in specific districts across both states. 

The mosquitoes were made by UK-based biotechnology firm Oxitec, which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in an effort to combat insect-borne diseases such as dengue fever, yellow fever, and the Zika virus.

According to Oxitec, its “sustainable and targeted biological pest control technology does not harm beneficial insects like bees and butterflies and is proven to control the disease-transmitting Aedes aegypti mosquito, which has invaded communities in Florida, California, and other U.S. states.” 

Since it was first detected in California in 2013, the Aedes aegypti mosquito has spread rapidly to more than 20 counties throughout the state, increasing the risk of mosquito-borne diseases being transmitted to humans.