Showing posts with label FitBit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FitBit. Show all posts

Saturday, April 27, 2024


Introducing, or should I say reintroducing, Sabrina Wallace

Our eyeballs only view .0035% of the electromagnetic spectrum we live in.  Rosie Alderson explains that,
But, as I often point out when I’m teaching this topic, the human eye can only detect 0.0035% of the electromagnetic spectrum. We term the tiny fraction that humans can see as ‘visible light’ and carry on with our lives, largely oblivious to the huge spectrum of electromagnetic waves present all around us. 
What is the electromagnetic spectrum?
Can you see the wireless waves coming from your phone?  No. 

Can you see the wireless waves from your microwave?  No. 

Can you see the wireless waves with your AM/FM radio?  No. 

Can you see the wireless waves when you get an X-ray at the dentist's office?  No. 

Okay.  These people that run electromagnetic warfare for 60 years on paper with jobs, they see it all.  

How much do you see?  .0035%.

How many of you were taught about that biofield? How many of you were taught how to use it?  How many of you even know it's there for real?  And when you do start talking about it, how do people around you behave?  They start acting weird, they make fun of you, they tell you it's not real, blah, blah, blah. 

Simultaneously, do you have a FitBit?  Do you have a health app on your phone?  Do you have an aura ring?  Do you have other sensate wearables, the different health apps that make your nervous system calm down automatically?  This is called the Internet of Medical Things.  It's brand new.  The Internet of Medical Things is the same system that we have been using for 60 years with the same ability to electromagnetically manipulate your body from the inside out, and from the outside in.  

Can you see your own aura?  Probably not.  When you go out among people, do you see their bio-field, formerly known as the aura?  Probably not, but these people do.  

So for the normies, the question is always the same, "What do we do?  What do we do?"

Where's your bio-field?  And when I do that, what usually ends up happening is that this is your body, it's your anatomy.  That's step one.  You have to be able to feel it, and if you can't, that's because it's a body part.  It's not 
When you can't feel it, who's in control of it? 

Yes, when you can't feel it, who's in control of it?  It's your body part.  So what I do is something called bio-field practice.  Anybody