Showing posts with label EDTA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EDTA. Show all posts

Friday, February 2, 2024

Patients with neurodegenerative diseases (ALS, Alzheimers, MS, et al) are often found to have high levels of very toxic metals in their bodies. EDTA removes them

ALS and Alzheimer's [is associated] with Mercury (there is a number of other metals related to the latter, such as aluminum) Ferraro, 2016.
Mercury and Aluminum are heavy metal ingredients often found in vaccines.  Which would make EDTA an excellent chelator if you've been vaccinated. 
Good historical details on EDTA. 

*  It was first used after World War II when sailors from the Navy developed lead poisoning from ship paint (Flora and Pachauri, 2010).

*  FDA approved in the 1950s to treat heavy metal poisoning.

*  More recently has been used in the alternative treatment of cardiovascular neurodegenerative diseases since these have been associated with metal toxicity (Kontoghiorhes, 2013).

At 2:50, she explains that in tiny amounts some heavy metals are important for maintaining homeostasis, like zinc, copper 25 mcg, and iron, but if too much they become toxic.  


1.  Heavy metals with a positive charge replace hydrogens within the proteins.

2.  This altars the protein's character, preventing its corresponding enzyme from carrying out metabolic processes.

3.  The metals are also in a more stable state within the protein complex and a (neutral charge).

4.  Due to #2 and 3, this new compound cannot be broken down.

5.  These metal protein complexes build up in tissues and cause dysfunction.

6.   Symptoms of heavy metal toxicity include GI disorders ataxia lung disease and much more (Duruibe, et al, 2007). 

EDTA is a very effective against rid of these metals in our tissue build up because it is a very strong chelating agent chelation is the bonding of a ligand to ions and there are other chelating agents that are used for metal detoxification that can include DMSA and DMPS.  There are different chelating agents because they address different heavy metals more effectively.  EDTA comes in two forms most commonly as calcium disodium irritate and what it does if you check out the molecules on the right the metal ion displaces the calcium within the molecule and then that final protein metal complex or the new EDTA complex can get flushed out of the body just from urine the other form of EDTA is sodium meditate but it's less commonly used.


1.  Mainly used as a heavy metal detoxifier.  In terms of brain health, it is used to treat neurotoxicity.  It can also act as an antioxidant since heavy metals promote the creation of free radical species that can destroy DNA and cells (Fulgenzi and Ferrero), 2019.

2.  EDTA may be able to cross the blood-brain barrier, BBB, as well.

3.  Patients with ND are often found to have high levels or of various toxic metals and EDTA therapy reduced their ND symptoms.
   * Ms associated with gadolinium (Fulgenzi and Ferrero), 2019.
   *  Parkinson's associated with lead.
   *  ALS and Alzheimer's [is associated] with Mercury (there is a number of other metals related to the latter, such as aluminum) Ferraro, 2016.

8:35. Everyone is exposed to such heavy metal on a daily basis.  basis.  So pretty much anyone can benefit from chelation therapy with EDTA because, you know, even if we might seem healthy, such heavy metals can have an effect on our body and be causing dysfunction in ways we don't even realize.  Remember what she said earlier, 
5.  These metal protein complexes build up in tissues and cause dysfunction. 

9:33. Supplementation isn't really an option because it isn't absorbed well in the GI tract so it very often has to be administered intravenously so you're in samples are taking before and after treatment to observe the level of detox and metals which is really cool because you can see the progress in the work that your body is doing to get rid of that metal with the help of EDTA right as it's happening.

And lastly, EDTA therapy is often administered with a combination of minerals and vitamins, including B vitamins, ascorbic acid, zinc, copper, iron, and that is because EDTA isn't a super specific chelating agent so it can actually remove some of the beneficial minerals of your body.  So we want to make sure that that is replenished If you're receiving that therapy.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Synthetic biology in unvaccinated individuals. 
First, your overview was really important because part of her work was to study what is happening with the C19 vials and geoengineering, but the technology is the same

There have been more than 26 teams worldwide who evaluated the shots.  They were called mRNA shots, but many did not find any mRNA.  What they found are metals, undisclosed metals like gadolinium, aluminum, cesium, cerium, and tungsten.  Danie Nagase's researcher who performed an electron mass-spectroscopy who found no elements of life--no nitrogen, no phosphorous, meaning that there was nothing biological in the vials.  Okay.

Shimon Janovitz from Israel had incubated the vials and showed that out of the lipid particles nanotechnology was growing.  Okay, what does that mean?  

Then I started working with Dr. David Nixon, and he put the contents of the vials under the microscope, dark field microscopy, and did time-lapse videos, and he showed that microchips and nanorobotics were assembling this technology that has also been associated around the world with a MAC address.  [now that sounds like they're really converting people into robots.  Now, we're all remote-controlled.] So the injected are emitting a Mac address.  [that sounds like a patent.]  So I started working with David Nixon, and it is illegal in the United States and around the world to look at the contents of the vials because it's military property and is classified as a weapon.  Yeah, a bioweapon.  So this is why it was so dangerous for any of us who were just trying to save humanity.  I also got a very good dark field microscopy and worked with Dr. David Nixon who first found these fibers, which Philippe van Welbergen from England had described as graphene oxide in the body of the vaccinated.  

Just something that a lot of people don't know about so Clifford chronic him has some 30 years of research into what he called cross domain bacteria why did he rename more gallons to this because he found that this is a synthetic biology organisms belong to one category of life not all three categories of life but then also he did chemical analysis and found that there were polymer Plastics part of this which is this hydrogel which were describing so I started working together because he said hey I've been seeing this for 30 years everyone nitrogel signature chemical signatures polyamides polyamillo alcohol so this is plastic basically you know so then I also found for example chemical analysis of these environmental filaments from 2012 I look at the big picture Okay somebody can say look you're a science doesn't match up to MIT or what not but it's like I'm a doctor who is no funding is endeavoring to answer these questions that are affecting humanity and we are up against a trillion dollar project like butan ol a request for Australian Pfizer it was found that Boot Town that was in there so these are derivative of butyric acid that a part of the banana particles and there were Manchester Connecticut so this is where this this connection comes from then just to let you know I I started I connected with many people in the engineering field like for example a lot of Freeland who is author who wrote transmission 25 no natural humans would be alive so this is a very broad overview but I wanted to just draw some of these connections thank you and just to add to your point in a modern science and technology have become here form could be through vaccine and Technology many patents and studies show how nanoparticles such as lipid or polymer or even graphene are used as the vaccine system and in addition breathing the the stuff the technology I think it already had Georgetown University Academy recruits that you can take Nano size materials like to be mechanism that would give you an antibody response within the body as if it was the coronavirus so they used Quantum that you know Nano Crystal technology to mimic coronavirus Well turns out nobody around the world has quieter isolated coronavirus frequency pathogenic jeans and coronavirus and make it more virulent at the same time there was a paper retracted that showed that in skin cells you can induce coronavirus and skin cells via 5G radiation so there was a connection there and again the world and basically you know by by being able to do this and the the mechanism of these Metals by the way so aluminum all of the things that are being sprayed upon us I'm a certificate undisclosed nanoparticles metal contamination and this is used for facial reconnaissance for surveillance purposes they can Target you from via satellite from space just based on the metals that you have in your body aspect of Domino's it's not only chemical biological but also the the effects of electromagnetic fields and yes I I definitely see it in the weather modification geoengineering efforts where we have the to to affect the weather and and also use for military communication and another purpose is that that is just really you know it's like sci-fi the possibility of spreading vaccines through body contact which is called vaccine shedding right or by using different insects right now so first of all these wording to the father documents so this is not science fiction because it is in their own document so flies are had in their documents that if a man gets in contact with a vaccination woman and over a year ago I witnessed in my office and increase of G Diamond Mercy I started checking it because there's a Charles Hall from Canada publicize that 60% of his vaccinated patients had abnormal blood clotting markers and this was my initial documentation understood the mechanism but I see people whose spouse was vaccinated and they come to me because they're unrected and I would call myself a specialist in long covid and vaccine shedding and reverse thing that and it turns out there neurological problems seizure like activities you know even I mean paralysis like symptoms heart attacks blood clots I mean the list just goes on and what I want to mention here and in regards to this hydrogel is so what do we found with you recognizably transformed into a mesh of polymer filament okay there was no blood visible anymore and so then we also did other work in which we cultured on vacation the recent data that that clearly graphing oxide and gold nanoparticles are used to create that spy protein hydrael so