Showing posts with label Dr. Stella Immanuel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Stella Immanuel. Show all posts

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Those who trusted the public health system are the same ones trusting the U.S. food supply chain


So many experts from the intelligence community to the farming associations to the medical experts in this fight for freedom are all warning about an impending famine, forced superimposed famine.  Oh, it doesn't look like that now.  Your local grocery stores are bursting with fresh, colorful foods.  But all it takes is a couple of switches, and that supply chain will be out in just a few days.  And famine brings very unique diseases, so there are things you can do to protect yourselves on several levels.  

01:07  Welcome to the show on Wednesday, March 13, 2024. 
The warnings are coming in, and they've been coming in for several months.  The invasion at our southern border by Middle Eastern, South American, and Chinese illegals was all facilitated by our own government to destabilize the United States.  And don't forget the random destruction by arson of our farmlands, our food manufacturing plants, and the corruption throughout our Congress that has greenlighted corrupt corporations, big corporations, and their poisons into our food and livestock, and even the air we breathe, and it all points to an artificially induced but imminent and very dangerous famine here in the land of plenty.  

01:53  My next guest was born and raised on the African continent and understands all too well the diseases that emanate from famine--the esteemed Dr. Stella Immanuel is one of the frontline doctors who's been saving lives and providing solutions ever since she became a physician.  

DR. STELLA, 02:24  You are so right, you are so right.  They are coming at us from every direction, in every direction.  

DR. RUBY, 02:28  I wanted your expertise on the different diseases that come out of famine in general, especially if they artificially induce it, it doesn't matter, if the food disappears and we're all climbing over each other.  I also want to talk about Utah, another state where the citizens were trying to get through a bill to get the food labeled when they inject the animals with mRNA, the livestock, and that bill got killed.  And we know that everybody in elected office right now is compromised.  So let's start first, let's talk about famine in general.  I don't think people understand.  They might think, "Well, if I could eat just a little bit, I'll be fine.  My neighbors will help out . . . ."  Let's talk about some of the issues, and the kinds of illnesses we could get if our food is cut off from us. 

DR. STELLA, 03:23  I don't think that people are aware that a country like America can actually go into famine.  They can't wrap their minds around it.  What if there is no electricity for 2 weeks?  There will be no food.  The grocery stores will not work.  If there's a cyber attack on our transportation system, what is going to happen?