Showing posts with label Dr. Richard Ebright. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Richard Ebright. Show all posts

Monday, October 17, 2022

GAIN-OF-FUNCTION: WHAT'S ITS REAL VALUE? Dr. Richard Ebright: "not a matter of value but a matter of incentives. GoF research . . . is fast and easy, much faster and much easier than vaccine or drug development."

Here is how it starts

Boston University scientists were today condemned for 'playing with fire' after it emerged they had created a lethal new Covid strain in a laboratory. revealed the team had made a hybrid virus — combining Omicron and the original Wuhan strain — that killed 80 per cent of mice in a study.

Okay, a little standard journalism would be nice.  For example, who condemned the Boston University Scientists?  Well, here is one condemnation from an academic, Professor Shmuel Shapira from the Israeli government.  Are we comforted given how the Israeli government captured such a high rate of vaccination? 

Professor Shmuel Shapira, a leading scientist in the Israeli Government, said: 'This should be totally forbidden, it's playing with fire.' 

Okay, this sent a chill down my spine, 

But the practice has been largely restricted in the US since 2017.   

So you mean to tell me that the U. S. government has allowed the genetic manipulation of virus, animals, bacteria, and all sorts of other critters?  To what end?  And given who we already know is in charge of the labs--like Fort Detrick [boy, do they have fancy names for bioweapons], and others--

Here is another condemnation.  Does this sound like a condemnation to you?  

Dr. Richard Ebright, a chemist at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, told  that: 'The research is a clear example of gain of function research.' 

adding that

'If we are to avoid a next lab-generated pandemic, it is imperative that oversight of enhanced potential pandemic pathogen research be strengthened.'

Ooh, that is damning.  Honestly, do these guys look like they'd ever become whistleblowers?  A quick check shows that Rutgers chemist, Dr. Ebright, has been terrifically forthright about why the gain-of-function viruses were used in the first place.  In a Senate hearing via Zoom, he was forthcoming, saying that "it's not a matter of value but a matter of incentives."

During yesterday’s hearing, Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) asked Dr. Ebright and the other witnesses to explain why gain-of-function research is a popular choice among scientific researchers.

“Doctor Ebright, let me ask you about the merits of gain-of-function research because I was struck that something you said in your written testimony,” said Sen. Hawley.  You said, ‘gain-of-function research has no practical civilian application.’ From a research perspective, then what, why do it? I mean, what’s the, what’s the value, the real value of gain-of-function research?”

Doctor Ebright said, “Not a matter of value but incentives, particularly incentives within the academic research ecosystem. Gain-of-function research of concern is fast and easy, much faster and much easier than vaccine or drug development. And gain-of-function research is publishable, and gain-of-function research is fundable. With those four incentives in place: fast, easy, fundable, and publishable, the research will be performed.” 

So in his defense, it seems that Dr. Ebright has the interest of people everywhere.  This is refreshing.  

As to Shapira, he was critical of a Genesis award to Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla

The former head developer of Israel’s experimental coronavirus vaccine lashed out on Wednesday against the decision to award the prestigious Genesis Prize to Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla.

Taking to Twitter, Prof. Shmuel Shapira, the former head of the Defense Ministry’s Israel Institute for Biological Research (IIBR), called the decision “pathetic.”

It shows he's got good instincts.  Plus, this, 

“There are other vaccines that are far more effective. There are countries with lower vaccination rates that bore [the pandemic] just fine,” he said. 

Yeah, why wasn't this evidence included in the science of evaluating vaccines?  To ask is to answer the question.  

Oh, this is rich.  As usual, they're changing the language.  The instance here is from bioweapons lab to a biosafety lab.  Cleaned the threat of mass murder right up.  

Boston University's National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories is one of 13 biosafety level 4 labs in the US. 

It adds that, 

In biosafety 4 labs, researchers do all experiments in a ‘biosafety cabinet’ — an enclosed, ventilated workspace for handling materials contaminated with pathogens.