Showing posts with label Dr Frank Shallenberger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr Frank Shallenberger. Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2024

DR. FRANK SHALLENBERGER: Ozone HEALED me after 20 years

Thank you to Wejolyn.  

The core reason why people get sick is that their mitochondria don't work so well and so they don't have the energy to stay well.  So you can clearly make the statement, and this is as close to 100% true as anything you could say, there's no possible way in the world that anybody who's sick with anything significant, and by that I mean cardiovascular disease or diabetes or cancer or autoimmune disease or whatever, 100% of the time they got bad mitochondria.  100% of the time.  And there's no way they stand any chance at all of getting well unless the mitochondria are improved.  So it's a baseline foundational therapy that you can use essentially on every sick person there is.