Showing posts with label Defense Politics Asia (@DefensePolitics). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Defense Politics Asia (@DefensePolitics). Show all posts

Friday, October 28, 2022

EU & WEF hatred and arrogance toward Russia, whipped up by EU's Ursula von der Leyen, creates its own enemies: poor, foolish German women

I get that it's heated in Europe between Russia and, well, all other European countries, but that's thanks to the EU, the WEF, DAVOS, and ECB who are trashing the Russians as they stand for and defend their national identity and state sovereignty.  The EU, WEF, and Davos hate national sovereignty.  They hate it.  And so this hatred and arrogance has rendered this poor German gal kind of stupid.  What, German men are supposed to take a hit from a woman stoically?  Well, he was Russian.  Cheers for Russian men.  This country could use a Putin.