Showing posts with label Brandy Vaughn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brandy Vaughn. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 19, 2022


Tinkering with the lives of babies at the very beginning of their lives without consent could be the ugliest stain on how man treats man.  Here is another example of inventing conditions to scare the hell out of parents and get them to comply with some unnecessary and diabolical early childhood vaccine.  Vitamin K is not what people require nutritionally: it's vitamin K2, and that is usually combined with vitamin D3.  But tell parents that their baby is at risk of dying from excess bleeding and that vitamin K vaccines are the solution, and you've got parents deferring to their doctors.  If you were actually getting from doctors what was promised, that is bad enough.

But in the case above, our champion, Brandy Vaughn, explains what's in the vitamin K vaccine vials.  Many of us wish we had such a champion around to explain the contents of the COVID vaccines.  Here she explains the addition of Polysorbate-80, a known sterilizing compound, and they're giving this to babies.  They are terminating the human race.  Demonic. Just as they lied assured us that the vaccines were safe and effective, they've made the same lie reassurance with the safety and inert and inactive ingredient of Polysorbate-80.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

FROM BRANDY VAUGN TO DR. RYAN COLE: From "Was that just a lie" to "Anything you inject goes straight to vital organs. Things you ingest, they go through the body's natural defense, natural detox pathways"

I cited a quote earlier this week from Brandy Vaughn, where she says that "Anything you inject goes straight to vital organs.  Things you ingest, they go through the body's natural defense, natural detox pathways."  Funny how this celebrated panel of doctors can't nail it like Brandy could and did.  That's because Brandy held firm to her convictions of the crimes by Merck and big pharma.  These stooges are dancing around issues diplomatically so as not to offend their industry, so as not to upset their political opportunities.  Dr. Cole is running for governor in Idaho.  So instead of making an important distinction of the two methods of transport, the best that Dr. Cole can do is to tell us that "[they] lied."  That's the best he can do?  Who lied, Dr. Cole?  

As I listened to this woman, Sydney, Australia's Professor Kristine Macartney, and self-appointed "Expert," my first thought was how confused she was and uncertain she was explaining how the spike protein works.  That alone made me think that she's working from a script on that topic and doesn't really know herself.  But the other thought was how these "doctors" come off as smug and arrogant like they're incapable of self-reflection or any reflection at all that might make them stop and think.  Instead, it's running on and on with a narrative that sounds so desperate and only makes me think that they're still med students with a white coat and stethoscope, praying that these props will enhance their legitimacy and transform them from a med school student to a real professional.  Good luck.  Dr. McCullough got it wrong, too.  He claimed that the spike proteins go to the heart.  They go to all vital organs, Dr.  The knowledge has been out there; it's not like people didn't know that, one, the spike proteins themselves are toxins, or that, two, anything that is injected goes to all vital organs.  I mean have they completed ignored what is happening to children with all of the schedule of vaccines for children?  If they have, they're not incompetents; these guys are vandals massaging the message in the interest of Big Pharma.  Malone got it wrong, too.  Both McCullough and Malone got it wrong, saying that the spike protein targets only fatty organs.  These are high-paid hit men trying to re-establish some legitimacy to the industry while they refuse to condemn these shots for what they really are: mass murder and a crime against humanity.  Love it too when idiots on social media praise their valiant efforts and how they've been censored.  Please.  Victims of the shots: that's whose lives have been censored.

Dr. Ryan Cole says that the vaccine manufacturers lied.  Glad to hear him state this, but that's not exactly breaking news if anyone, anyone at all has paid any attention to the medical-industrial complex at all over the last 100 years.  To me, it is not even a question that any coercion surrounding the shots, meaning making them mandatory for continued employment is a brutal crime, a crime that must be avenged.  If hanging the criminals does not sit well with you, then at least tar and feathering for starters.  But it is exactly like Whitney Webb has stated, we live in the United States of blackmail, where we know of everybody's crimes but no one is being prosecuted or held liable.  Everyone is walking, and walking around, perhaps skulking around blackmailed and compromised.   

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Anything you inject goes straight to vital organs. Things you ingest, they go through the body's natural defense, natural detox pathways

Then I realized we have a sick-care system.  We're just treating symptoms.  That's not health care.  

I go to a baby visit.  Let's call it what it is: it's a vaccination visit.  75% of their money off of baby visits is from vaccines.

Up front, you should know that Brandy Vaughn was found dead on December 8, 2019 at her home by her 9-year-old son, Bastien.  That's approximately when rumors about COVID-19 began circulating.  And while many folks like to point to Kary Mullis' death as suspicious event, which I am sure it is, it's clear that Ms Vaughn, former Merck employee and radical critic of vaccines and Big Pharma, was murdered by these pharmaceutical-vaccine cartel who captured governments around the world to finance the COVID hoax and implement their failed great Reset. 

Drug and vaccine companies would love to have Robert Cailiff at the FDA.  Even the New York Times said his drug ties were scaring people. He is the ultimate pharmaceutical industry Insider. He had a conflict of interest section declaring financial support from 20 biotech and pharmaceutical companies, and he's heading the regulatory agency his famous quote is regulation disrupts innovation. 

Here's a sampling if his financial conflicts of interest,

Dr. Califf’s record since then has not dispelled our concerns. Since Dr. Califf left the FDA in 2017, he has received over a million dollars from the pharmaceutical industry, raising serious questions about his ability to separate his future financial opportunities from the decisions he would be charged with making as the FDA Administrator.

In February 2018, Dr. Califf joined the board of Cytokinetics, a biopharma company.2 His compensation as a board member in cash and stock options came to about $347,000 for 2018, $181,000 for 2019, and $427,000 for 2020.

The CDC, Centers of Disease Control, is just as bad.  Julie Gerberding, she ran the CDC for 7 to 8 years, she doubled the [childhood] vaccine schedule. [Also a World Economic Forum member: Executive Vice-President and Chief Patient Officer, Strategic Communications, Global Public Policy and Population Health, MSD] Childhood vaccine schedule was doubled in her tenure.  She got a good reward.  She went to head Merck Global Vaccine Initiative for $5 million dollars.  2 months into it, she cashed in $3 million in stock options from Merck.

Pharmaceutical industry, you guys know this, creates cradle to grave customers.  As adults were already on a ton of meds.  Where's the real money?  It's in the kids.  And it's in vaccines.  Because they create so many diseases and disorders that they're running out of ways to make us more sick.  But they can create vaccines for all those diseases they've already created. We are now the most drugged up country in the world.  But the prescription frug market is saturated.  It's full.  It's overly competitive.  You've got 6 to 8 drugs per disease state, so there's nit a lot of room, not a lot of market there.  And it's full of liabilities, $6 billion paid out on Vioxx.  They can't keep creating diseases and drugs and all of that.  But what a brilliant market strategy to head into vaccines.  That's where they're heading next for profit, and evert single person in here is just another customer.  And if you think they aren't going to get you, just wait.  I'm going to show you how they plan to.

How are they doing on their plans to keep us sick?  Shocking numbers: 1 in 3 men, 1 in 4 women have cancer.  1 in 12 women now have an auto-immune disorder.  I visit my friends in their 30s, lupus, arthritis, gut issues, IBS,

I got IBS right before I went to Merck.  I had to go to the doctor and get a Hepatitis B vaccine.  2 weeks later, I was diagnosed with IBS.  I had hives and I got arrhythmia.  A lot of things going wrong with our healthcare system, and vaccines are a big part of the problem.  All these things on here, they're considered side effects of vaccines. 

60 million have arthritis.  30 million have asthma. These are auto immune disorders.  My friends in Europe say, Brandy, what do you mean you can't bring your kids to school?  Who's allergic to food?  That doesn't make sense.  You're allergic to food and to air, hay fever, right?  Wild animals who aren't part of our medical system, don't get vaccinated, do they gave asthma, do they have hay fever, are they allergic to food?  Are they allergic to air?  What is normal in our country?  This shouldn't be normal.  This is not nirmal.  And it shouldn't be accepted as normal.  We have some of the highest rates of chronic illness, dementia, Alzheimer's, they're all sky-rocketing.  One in three people have a chronic disorder or issue.  The healthy have to get out there on the frontline and connect the dots for everyone who doesn't see this, doesn't get it. That's our job. 

Our kids are even worse off.  1 in 6 kids have developmental issues.  Occupational therapy is one of the biggest growing career opportunities right now.  1 in 7 have asthma right now.  1 in 15 have seizure disorders.  And you know what happens after vaccines right now?  Children go to the ER and are being told it's normal.  Parents are being told that seizure fevers are normal.  That is not normal, and those are the lucky ones that make it to the ER. We have 10,000 babies dying of SIDS every year within days of the vaccines.  This is the first generation of kids who are sicker than their parents, and experts say they will not outlive them.  What is going on?  I'll tell you.

Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there is hardly a healthy human left.  Crazy.  That is crazy.  Cancer and the mutation of genes after birth.  It is not genetic.  Don't let anyone play that argument with you.  After birth mostly due to environmental toxins, chemicals, smoking, pollution, and radiation.  Autoimmune disorders mostly due to environmental factors.  Same thing.  We're poisoning ourselves.  And there are a lot of things that are part of this picture. The air we breathe, the food we eat.  We're under a toxic soup, and we need to reduce any exposures we can and minimize it.  And you know what?  Vaccines are a part of that.  Vaccines contain those same chemicals that we don't want to breathe in.  The formaldehyde in the Chinese wood flooring . . . did you hear about that?  Don't get wood flooring from China guys, it gives off a gas of formaldehyde and that causes cancer according to the EPA.  But don't talk about it in vaccines, or you might be called crazy. 

Anything you inject goes straight to vital organs.  Things you ingest, they go through the body's natural defense, natural detox pathways.  Most of it gets filtered out.  99% of the aluminum gets filtered out of your body.  15:33.  any aluminum that gets injected, like that which is included in vaccines, goes straight to the brain and then to the gut.  Ingestion versus injection.  This is so critical, we have to get people to understand this.  Those same chemicals that are in the food--formaldehyde, aluminum, heavy metals, lead--are in vaccines.  Why aren't people talking about this?  To me, that's crazy.  Why aren't we talking about this?  And I hope after this talk, you will talk about it because we need to . . . somebody needs to . . . because our health has taken a nise dive and Pharma is going to keep pounding us.  They aren't done

So my eyes are wide open, right?  So Vioxx, . . . healthcare system, Pharma is . . . then I went to live in Europe for 8 years, and I saw what health is, what real health is.  Then I realized we have a sick-care system.  We're just treating symptoms.  That's not health care.  Our healthcare system doesn't care about our health.  They profit off of making us sick.  So, lived in Holland, had my son over there, natural birth with midwife . . . they didn't even want to talk about vaccines with me. I said I'm perfectly healthy, why do I want to talk about vaccines?  They said, we don't want to either.  

17:05.  My son is 6 months old, totally vaccine free.  I go to a baby visit.  Let's call it what it is: it's a vaccination visit.  75% of their money off of baby visits is from vaccines.