Showing posts with label Big bird (@Bigbird32392741). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Big bird (@Bigbird32392741). Show all posts

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Are Vaccines Killing the VMAT2 Gene, aka, the God Gene?

I do find the familiar, first-name basis by actor, writer, producer, and now host of 2022 Goal Keepers, Kal Penn, particularly rich as though multi-billionaire Bill Gates is just one of the boys and known among us as an all-around good guy, working hard to right some of the major problems [boo-waa-ha, ha, ha, ha] facing mankind.  Come on, look at all of the good that he's done for humanity [boo-wah, ha, ha, ha, I'm sorry, I can't help myself] and the planet.  These [factual] conspiracies are totally unfounded, complete misinformation.  And it's eugenicist Bill Gates here, newly liberated from his wife, who is the real victim.  So he's here to set the record straight.  

Well, as if there isn't counter factual evidence, you know, like a pie in the face, of everything this modern-day mass murderer has claimed for himself.  And this despite the heavy, heavy censor machines, meaning the media that he's bought and paid for.  Turns out his millions has lost some of its luster, eh, Bill?  

I guess American made Agent Orange wasn't sufficient in producing birth defects and growth abnormalities following the 30-year Vietnam War, 1945-1975, there, eh?  Dr. Anthony Phan explains that autism didn't exist in Vietnam in 1975.  Didn't exist in 2,000 or 2,001, but when Vietnam signed an agreement with the W.H.O. things changed.  That it was only after the introduction of Bill Gates' vaccines in 2001 that cases of autism SKYROCKETED.  Phan mentions the IMF and Vietnam's signing into it, but that was 1956. What's giving rise to autism?  The aluminum in the vaccines.

Then, of course, here is our humanitarian hero lecturing the CIA on how to kill the God gene, or the VMAT2 gene, in religious fundamentalists, or what Gates calls religious fanatics, with vaccines that target key neurotransmitters.    

The VMAT2 gene link above, states that 

VMAT2 (SLC18A2 gene) is a monoamine transport gene. It packages monoamine neurotransmitters from the cytosol into vesicles to be released.
Monoamine neurotransmitters include dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline, noradrenaline, histamine, and melatonin. These are the neurotransmitters important in thinking, behavior, physical movement, pain, emotion, wakefulness, and circulation.

So those neurotransmitters seem pretty important, yet Bill Gates with his stealth vaccines is trying yo kill them, and kill your spirit, your sense of humor, your personality, and life.