Showing posts with label BRICS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BRICS. Show all posts

Monday, April 15, 2024

The point is to actively suicide American and eventually Western industry while enabling their Chinese competitors to move the West into a broken, consumption-only economy that's dependent on PRC and Indian (BRICS)

In this case, that capture is run through the "Stakeholder Capitalism" or "Inclusive Capitalism" or "Sustainable Development" model coordinated by the UN and WEF and facilitated through financial firms like BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, plus proxy advisory firms like ISS and Glass Lewis. These effectively create a corporate cartel (Soviet) environment that's playing Hunger Games with Western industries while passing the economic superpower torch to the CCP and BRICS alliance. 
The point is to actively suicide American and eventually Western industry while enabling their Chinese competitors to move the West into a broken, consumption-only economy that's dependent on PRC and Indian (BRICS) production under their broadly corporate-socialist model. --James Lindsay

It's important to understand what's going on at Boeing, which is why I controversially brought it up on Rogan. America and the West are being deindustrialized (Degrowth) to increase our dependency on the CCP-controlled PR of China.

This includes using DEI and ESG requirements to misdirect corporate priorities and resources (see Boeing's latest SEC filing, e.g.) to "suicide" (action verb) corporations while establishing a tyrannical regime over them similar to regulatory capture. In this case, that capture is run through the "Stakeholder Capitalism" or "Inclusive Capitalism" or "Sustainable Development" model coordinated by the UN and WEF and facilitated through financial firms like BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, plus proxy advisory firms like ISS and Glass Lewis. These effectively create a corporate cartel (Soviet) environment that's playing Hunger Games with Western industries while passing the economic superpower torch to the CCP and BRICS alliance. The point is to actively suicide American and eventually Western industry while enabling their Chinese competitors to move the West into a broken, consumption-only economy that's dependent on PRC and Indian (BRICS) production under their broadly corporate-socialist model. In this case, Boeing is being squeezed. Airbus will be too, eventually. Their Chinese military-owned competitor, COMAC, is being positioned and encouraged to rise as a "dark horse" while the 737, 777, and 787 are targeted with a heavy narrative operation built around a manufactured truth about problems in their production and safety. The COMAC C919 is a direct B737 competitor on the rise, and the COMAC C929 is the B777/787 competitor on its way. Here, former Congressman John Kucinich (D-OH) explains the de-industrialization and thus increasing dependency of American production and manufacturing (Degrowth) and gives as a specific example how Boeing lobbied his office to decrease restrictions on PRC trade so that Boeing could more easily enter into the lucrative Chinese market. The CCP's price of admission was sharing various aircraft prototypes, all of which would have been in advance of the development of their COMAC knockoff C919 aircraft line. This isn't just a "James Lindsay was right" moment. It's very serious on multiple levels, including finding out what defense-contracted information Boeing utilized to buy access to the huge cartel (CCP)–controlled PRofChina market. Serious questions have to be asked by serious people, like Congressional oversight committees, under oath. What prototypes were offered, if any? What role has hitting ESG and DEI targets played in misplacing resources and misdirecting priorities so that Boeing is now in this truly vulnerable position at exactly the moment its PRC knockoff competitor emerges onto the world market? What incentives and disincentives did Boeing face (including corrupt executive compensation packages, as reported in their previous SEC filings) to implement ESG and DEI requirements both in its own company and in its supply chain (Spirit Aerosystems, particularly)? How do these incentive structures appear in other American corporations and industries, and what impacts are they having? These questions must be asked. This is serious. It's not just bad business at a big company. It's the controlled demolition of the West and of America. Where these moves have been intentionally orchestrated or facilitated by American officials, this may well be treason. The fate of our country is directly tied to these questions. I hope we're ready to start taking them seriously.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

09:16. The Central Bank digital currency is not American.  It is the private Western central bank. It's actually being run by the Bank of International Settlements, the IMF, and the World Bank. 

The EU will be making mandatory digital IDs including digital wallets which include immunization and health records from the World Health Organization but it'll also include your digital banking records, and in the EU they are not going to make it a choice. 

So let's talk about retirement, IRA, 401K, all this stuff, because the biggest problem