Showing posts with label Arteries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arteries. Show all posts

Thursday, February 17, 2022


Differences Between Arteries (Structural and Functional)

August 10, 2016 by

Arteries: blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart to tissues. 

Veins: blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart from the tissues. 


Both have three layers of tissues in their walls: 1) a hollow lumen to allow the flow of blood without any hindrance, distribution into deep tissues of the body, having branches, etc.

Main differences between arteries and veins

Arteries and veins are two similar yet different types of blood vessels that make up the circulatory or vascular system.


Arteries carry away the blood pumped by the heart during systole.

Veins carry blood from the periphery of the body back to the heart.

From the heart, arteries start from the aorta, which branches out as arterioles.

These arterioles further branch out into capillaries.


Capillaries are so minute that they pass in between cells and deeper into most parts of tissues. They supply the blood containing oxygen and nutrients to each cell and tissue.  

As seen in the image above, capillaries extend to converge into veins. They collect the waste and carbon dioxide from the cells and tissue surroundings to bring into the blood for excretion.

Capillaries then converge to form a few venues that are a bit bigger in size.


Venules further converge to form veins.

These veins further converge to form the superior and inferior vena cava. 


Larger veins pour deoxygenated blood that has collected into the heart. 



The heart sends the deoxygenated blood to the lungs through the pulmonary artery.  


And the oxygenated blood received through the pulmonary veins from the lungs is pumped into the arteries.

Arteries carry pure blood from the heart to the tissues while the veins return impure blood. But there are a few interesting exceptions to this rule.

A pulmonary vein brings pure oxygenated blood from the lungs into the heart.

While a pulmonary artery carries impure blood (carbonated) from the heart to the lungs, so these two are different from the rest of the blood veins and arteries only in terms of function.

Besides, there are also anatomical structural differences between them. These differences are meant to keep them safe, perform their function efficiently, and also to minimize the workload on the heart. Further, the energy requirement of the body to circulate the blood is minimized.



Arteries are thickly walled and located deeper in the body. They're highly elastic due to circular and oblique muscles in their walls. This elasticity helps to convey the pulse from the heart until the blood reaches the cells and tissues.

The blood in the arteries flows due to the pressure from the heart contraction. Hence, you can notice pulse in the arteries but not in veins. Even a physician checks your pulse rate by holding the arteries of the wrists or carotid artery in the neck.

The blood in arteries is reddish-brown and enriched with oxygen and nutrients.


These are thin-walled blood vessels located superficially in the body. Hence, you can see dark-colored veins below the skin in the arms, hands, thighs, etc. The blood flows in them under the influence of capillary action. In humans, this blood flows against the gravitation force.

So to prevent backflow, there are valves in the inner walls. These valves close down when the blood tends to flow downwards. Hence, the blood always moves in one direction in veins in-spite of lack of pulse.

The blood in the veins is bluish red and has a high concentration of carbon dioxide, urea, and other excretory waste.

Arteries receive blood due to pressure from the heart, while veins do not have that pressure.


As seen in the differences above, arteries have thick walls as they have to bear the systolic pressure. Also, they have more muscle mass in the walls to propagate the pulse further due to elasticity.

This helps the blood move fast in the vessel to the tissues. Hence we can measure heart pulse from the wrist artery. A further thick wall may minimize the chances of oxygen and nutrients to diffuse to the surroundings.


Their deep-seated location in the body may also be to prevent damage to them in injury to the body.

As their damage can destroy the organ receiving the blood faster. But for veins, there is another alternative called lymph vessels, which also carry waste from tissues. So damage can to them can be less severe.

The only condition is there should be no hemorrhage.


The pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of the arteries is higher than that of the veins because the blood flows in the arteries due to the pumping action of the heart.

This pumping action forces the blood to flow with speed leading to pressure in the arterial wall.

Whereas in the veins, the flow is due to capillary forces between the vein walls and the blood.

Hence, blood pressure is monitored for the arteries and not the veins.


Valves help in preventing the blood from flowing backward in the veins. The blood flows against gravity due to capillary action.

Since there is a change in gravitational pressure when sitting and standing up, there is a chance of variation in the flow pressure.

So valves prevent the backflow of blood in veins. This is not required in arteries.


The arteries are dark reddish due to oxygenated blood. While for veins, bluish-red is due to oxygenated blood.


Arteries are thick and carry nutrition. So, nutrition-born disease occurs due to the accumulation of fat. While for veins, it is rare but occurs due to obstruction or physical damage to them.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

"large white cord-like clots . . . look very similar to worms"

Dr. Jane Ruby interviews Alabama Embalmer and Funeral Director, Richard Hirschman.  The clots are coming mostly from the veins with a few clots from the arteries.  Normally, you don't get clots from the arteries because that's where the blood moves.  In veins, the blood can pool.  Clots from arteries are rare.  From the veins, the clots are much larger.  From the arteries, he's seeing the large white cord-like clots.  Like the white grows out, look very similar to worms.  But people have described the spike proteins as acting like parasites, which is why antiparasitics, like Ivermetin, are proving effective therapies.  Last January, January 2021, was the busiest he'd been in his career.  He also reported that he has gone from seeing 50% of his embalmed cases with these types of blockages rise to almost 80%. So the embalmer's cases are being coded for heart attack or stroke but it's clear that the clots, which were at least ancillary to their death were produced by the vaccines.  They are referred to in vernacular as clot shots.  Can these clots be seen on PET-Scans or MRIs?  Richard didn't know.  The one test that picks up clotting is the d-dimer test, but I don't think that you get a visual from that test.  So if these fibrous clots grow up into your heart, it'll lead to a heart attack.  If they move up a blood vessel into your brain, it's going to lead to a stroke.  He cites a 56-year-old man who died of myocardial infarction, a heart attack, and he had these fibrous clots inside him [he fails to state specifically in the heart but maybe we can assume that], and he found a vaccine card in his wallet.  How fast are these fibrin clots developing?  He does meet with the funeral director.  Started feeling bad, started having pain down their arms, started getting dizzy, headaches, all this other stuff, and then they're dead.  Wow.  He recommends that people take an aspirin a day just in case to try to stop the growth of these clots.  He said it can't hurt.  He keeps calling these fibrous clots "worms."  

Nattokinase and Serrapeptase are the two products that dissolve fibrin clots.  And I've read that they also dissolve platelet clots, which means you're getting dual action with these compounds.  I recommended these to family, and the one question that arose was "How long does it take for these compounds to dissolve the clots?  And how can you tell the clot[s] have dissolved without having to go to a doctor?"  To the first question,  it depends.  For naturally occuring clots due to old age or poor lifestyle, the de-clotting takes about 2 weeks.  I've read that it takes about 2 weeks for the Nattokinase to dissolve the clots.  All of the clots?  The entirety of the clot?  Yes. The Meditation Expert writes,

Nattokinase, which is made from soybeans, is a natural substance that dissolves away all those blood clots that have been built up inside over the years. After about two weeks of use, I've seen people drop their high blood pressure PERMANENTLY. I've seen elder folks be able to move stiff necks that were locked for years. I've seen memory improvements and energy improvements (because the blood was getting to the brain and everywhere else). I have thank you note after thank you note from folks saying, "Thanks for letting me know about it. I tired it, it's wonderful, it's life changing. Now I even meditate better because my circulation is better, and I didn't even know there was a problem." 

This was something. 
This Pub Med article states that oral Nattokinase begins to work after a single dose,

This study provides the first evidence of NK’s ability to enhance fibrinolysis and antithrombosis contemporaneously after a single-dose of oral NK administration in human. 

This is excellent news, but more importantly, how long does it take to dissolve a clot?  I guess that would depend on the individual's biochemistry.  And it looks like each oral dose lasts in your blood for 8 hours.  So that's good to know. 

In this study, we found that a single-dose of NK administration enhances fibrinolysis via cleavage of cross-linked fibrin, and its effect lasted for a relatively long period of time (over 8 hours), compared with tissue-type plasminogen activators (t-PA) and/or urokinases 420minutes half-life in human blood. 

After 2 months, the blood-clotting protein Factor VIII declined "significantly."  

The decline of factor VIII [a blood-clotting protein] activity after NK intake were similar with previous data in which three different subject groups (healthy individuals, patients with cardiovascular risk factors, and patients undergoing dialysis) took 4,000 FU of NK daily for 2 months, and factor VIII antigen declined significantly after 2 month of NK intake in all three groups. The precise mechanism of this NK action is not yet clarified. However, to the extent that elevation of Factor VIII level is known to be risk factors for cardiovascular and related diseases, we propose here further potential for acute effects of NK to reduce the risk of thrombosis.

But I must ask, is the Factor VIII a factor in vaccine-related blood clotting?   

When dogs received oral Nattokinase, "chemically-induced thrombi in the major leg vein were completely dissolved within five hours and normal blood flood was restored."  That's nothing to sneeze at.

When dogs were orally administered four NK capsules (2000 FU/capsule), chemically-induced thrombi in the major leg vein were completely dissolved within five hours and normal blood flood was restored []. A rat model of thrombosis in the common carotid artery also demonstrated that NK-treated rats recovered 62% of arterial blood flow. NK exhibited considerably stronger thrombolytic activity than the fibrinogenolytic and fibrinolytic enzymes, plasmin, or elastase; which restored 15% and 0% of blood blow in the rat carotid artery, respectively []

As good as all this news is, these reports are pre-COVID.  So we should be asking, how long does it take for the Nattokinase to dissolve vaccine-related and COVID-related clotting?