Showing posts with label Architect (@RichardGage_911) May 21. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Architect (@RichardGage_911) May 21. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

RICHARD GAGE: 20 Parallels between 9/11 and Gaza

Astounding parallels between 9/11 and Gaza.  We know that the powers that be in their false flag operations that they use to manipulate people create a problem.  They amplify the reaction, manipulating the public, and then they offer their prescribed solutions: problem, reaction, solution.  We'll be looking at the case study of Gaza and 9/11 beginning with 


PARALLEL #1  Previously established geostrategic goals coveting the natural resources of the target territory.  

PARALLEL #2  A look at the rich history of historic and recent provocations and false flag operations.

PARALLEL #3  Politically useful controlled patsies are used.

PARALLEL #4  A triggering event with an innovative attack with dubious origins, a manufactured Invasion from foreign operatives.

PARALLEL #5  A catastrophic intelligence failure.

PARALLEL #6  A military stand down with an obvious uncharacteristic delay in response 

PARALLEL #7  Foreknowledge of the attack because of course when these events are planned in advance there are people with knowledge for knowledge of them.

PARALLEL #8  Dancing Israelis during the attacks.

THE REACTION (the public gets manipulated)

PARALLEL #9  Propaganda with outrageous slogans from government and media to manipulate the public emotion, often using crisis actors.

PARALLEL #10  Atrocities alleged to the enemy with ensuing dehumanization of them.

PARALLEL #11  Denial of alleged atrocities by the enemy. 

PARALLEL #12  Opposition media and journalists targeted.

PRESCRIBED SOLUTION (to their problem)

PARALLEL #13  Military revenge attack prepared in advance with no investigation.  

PARALLEL #14   Occupy the territory of the new enemy.  This is the land grab.

PARALLEL #15  Widening the conflict to achieve the original broader goals.

PARALLEL #16  Affecting regime change of the enemy leadership, an originally established goal.

PARALLEL #17  Enact the Forever War policy.

PARALLEL #18  Billions flowing to the media and the banking and the war Industries.

PARALLEL #19  Extreme public censorship by government, mainstream media, and social media.

PARALLEL #20  Draconian policies and surveillance instituted by government.

Then we take a deep look into the malevolent roots that are more than 250 years old.

If you want to pursue this further, this video posted by Matthew Tower is pretty good; long, but good.