Showing posts with label Antibodies mean nothing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Antibodies mean nothing. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 15, 2021


Terrific session here from 4 conscientious doctorsDr. Tom Cowan [and hereDr. Andrew Kaufman [and here], Dr. Stefan Lanka, and Swiss virologist, Dr. Dean Braus.  Kaufman explains that the term "Antibody" comes from the German phrase "anti-toxin body," leaving out the "toxin" to get antibody creates this tension in meaning.  Thanks so much to CJ who points us to Dr. Cowan's stories at the 11:53 to 19:47 segment in the video.  

I liked what Dr. Cowan said, 

At the 41:50 mark, Kaufman references a book by Nancy Turner Banks, M.D., titled, AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire, 2010.

He says a bit later, 

Holding each other accountable has been taken out of the equation because everyone has been depending on government funding to do science.  This culture and philosophical shift has taken away the scientific pursuit of truth. 

Wow!  At the 49:20 mark, Dr. Cowan explains the psychology behind people wearing masks.  It is damning as well as frightening to those of us who recognize this.

He says, 

There's really only fear of one thing, and that is being ostracized from the tribe.  You will be kicked out and will be wandering in the wilderness and you're going to be eaten by a lion.  And you better not dissent, because if you do, your entire world will crumble.  This is similar to what Stefan was talking about.  You make your entire world view based on believing the narrative that you're being told and you live in fear that if you dissent from the narrative that your life will lose meaning and you will be devoured by the wilderness.  That, I would contend, is the very definition of a cult.  And so with all cults, they have certain signs that they do--they'll do this or they'll wear a mask.  There's only one reason for people to wear a mask and that is to demonstrate that you're a member in good standing with the cult.  If you don't wear a mask, you're a threat because you're not a member of the cult--I can see it--and you may tell me something and I am going to have to consider that my life is no longer mine . . . what you've done is you've stopped thinking for yourself, right?  That's what you do when you join a cult.  The leader, no matter what he does, no matter if he rapes your daughter, which happened in my family, or anything--you still believe because if not a member of the cult, then you have no life.  And that is an abrogation of what it means to be a human being.  And that's why it's so dangerous and that's why anybody who has dealt with cult members knows how difficult, I might even say impossible it is to help them out of the cult.  Because it's not about facts, or masks don't stop viruses, or vaccines don't prevent Aunt Bessie from getting sick, none of those things mean anything.  Because at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is my life will have no meaning if I'm not in this cult.  So you can't say, "Well, don't be in the cult" because then you've got nothing.  They would rather be dead than have a life without meaning.  No friends, no work, no nothing, I have nothing.  So somehow there has to be a way to help people find meaning.  And I don't even know if there's anyway to do this.  We all know how difficultt it is to disengage people from cults.  I know some first-hand stories, where the most horrendous things happen and people stay in the cult.  And you know what else?  All cults lead [to] death and suicide.  That's where they always lead because I--you know the human soul knows that it's almost better to disengage from this physical body rather than lead a life where you're not fully human.  So they'd voluntarily kill themselves rather than their spirit maintaining itself in that horrible situation.  I mean that's pretty pessimistic because we are up against an incredibly powerful, cultic situation.  And there is no easy solution, like, "Oh, well, let's do this . . . ."  It isn't like that.  54:15