Showing posts with label Aaron Kheriaty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aaron Kheriaty. Show all posts

Friday, February 10, 2023

Does the State Department fund Coronavirus research in China? The answer's yes, you do, and it's been going on for more than a decade.

Ms. Sherman, it's estimated that between five and eighteen million people died from COVID-19 worldwide.  To a significant number of scientists, the evidence suggests that this originated from a lab leak in Wuhan.  Does the State Department fund Coronavirus research in China?  

Do we fund coronavirus?  I don't believe so, but I don't know.  I'll double-check and we'll get back to you on that senator.

The answer's yes, you do, and it's been going on for more than a decade.  It's done through a program called PREDICT, and then the Global Virom Project.  And why this is important is that we've had 1 million Americans dying of this, and we've had no discussion of this.  No hearings, nothing.  People are unaware that they're even funding the research.  We found out recently through the House Unclassified Report, that money is going from the NIH to American Universities to the Academy of Military Medical Sciences Research in China.  We are subcontracting money and sending it over, but millions of it is coming from the State Department.  So the idea is this: we'll identify all the viruses in the world, and we'll be safer because we've identified them.  But here's the question, are we safer to have some guy or some woman crawling down a cave, 10 hours away from bat guano, coming up with viruses, and bringing it to a city of 15 million, like Wuhan.  This is what's been going on for a decade.  It's a set-up for an accident, it's a set-up for a mistake.  And nobody's doing anything about it.  We continue to fund it.  The main group that's been getting this money is EcoHealth Alliance, over $100 million dollars, a lot of it through the State Department.  They continue to get money.  They don't file their reports on time.  They didn't stop their experiments, and yet we reward them with more money.  15 million people died and we haven't done a thing about it.  Nobody seems to care.  We're not even sure we fund it.  The State Department is a big funder of this project.  It's a multi-decades-long project, but there are scientists as we speak from Standford, from MIT, from prestigious universities around the country.  These are not partisans.  Most of these are not Republicans, who stand up and say, "Oh, my God, what are we doing, bringing these viruses from remote bat caves to major metropolitan areas with no controls over this.  So we've been asking for information from the State Department  

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Important Reminder . . .

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Aaron Kheriaty's New Book, The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State, has been banned by all CA public libraries

Get it here: