Showing posts with label AC Carbamide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AC Carbamide. Show all posts

Monday, October 18, 2021

DR. BRYAN ARDIS: "lymphatic system is attached to your sinus pressure." If that pressure is there, he recommends taking Milk Thistle.

It’s easy to find protocols to take for someone who has COVID: vitamin D, C, and zinc, for the most part.  And depending on severity, one can up the dose on the D and the C, but go easy on the zinc.  Then there are the prescription drugs—Ivermectin, and others. 

But I selected this interview because I was interested in what folks who’ve been vaccinated can take to address, or redress, some of the symptoms that they’re experiencing, like shortness of breath, heart problems, liver problems, and others.  Find other resources by Dr. Bryan Ardis here.  The lymphatic system is attached to your sinus pressure.  If that pressure is there, he recommends taking Milk Thistle.  It improves the infection by removing the mucous.  If ALT aline aminotransferase goes up?  Milk Thistle and Hepatrophin PMG.  Ardis says if your lower leg is swelling it's your liver shutting down that can cause blood stagnation.  He says that the body takes 2 to 3 months to repair tissue damage.  Post-infection, post-hospital stay, post-vaccine.  Taurine improves heart function, hair, and nerve function.  Your kidneys need 2 things; phosphoric acid and AC Carbamide.  Standard Process.   

Find more resources from Dr. Ardis here.  


AC Carbamide.  Standard Process.