Showing posts with label 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2. Show all posts

Thursday, April 18, 2024


Our world changed that day . . . 

2,744 lives lost in New York . . . and counting

1 million lives lost in Afghanistan and Iraq . . . and counting

6,000 U.S. troops lost in the War on Terror . . . and counting

$4.5 trillion War on Terror cost to U.S. taxpayer

Precious civil liberties removed by the PATRIOT Act . . .

Military Commissions Act

Department of Homeland Security

Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

National Defense Authorization Act, NDAA 2012.  

Today, Americans can be subject to search and seizure without a warrant, detained or imprisoned indefinitely . . . 

without charge . . .

without evidence . . .

without a lawyer . . . 

without a trial . . . 

or even tortured

or assassinated

merely for being accused of being associated with terrorism

Ignoring the World Trade Center evidence is no longer an option


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

2,433 fetal deaths in VAERS. More fetal deaths in the past 11 months than in the past 30 years.

from Brian Shilhavy @ Global Research.  Thank you, Lew Rockwell.