Showing posts with label — Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) August 10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) August 10. Show all posts

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Calls for coordination with our State Dept, coordination with intelligence services, coordination with our psychological operations unit to take all of our assets in that West African region . . . in that case, they planned to work with the unions.  What they did is they embarked on a social media influence campaign.  They would activate all their media assets, all their civil society institutional assets, and all their union assets to have the union labor pool in that West African country.  Actually, there was one thing that happened first.  When they first went in this hypothetical, the State Department sent in a delegation to persuade the West African country to forbid the development license to the Chinese developer and the head of that West African government said no because something was happening in the hypothetical in the next 30 days there was a time sensitivity to generate an instability event to stop this using time sensitive emergency and so the way they generated that was they worked with their Union contacts in the region and the media contacts in the region and created this whole social media campaign to inflame the sentiments.

SOJTF-C activated the CMSE who working with local branches of the Naruvian government, the DoS, USAID, and NGOs established job fairs near protest areas providing disaffected workers with alternative employment options within two weeks the construction company lost 60% of its required labor pool.  They first directed The IWC to initiate their previously developed influence campaign relying on civil-economic information provided by the CMSE, the IWC's approach empowered IWTFs in coordination with the JIIM to inflame long-standing friction between Naruvian workers in Chinese corporations within days protests supported by the CFTs ODA, erupted around Chinese business headquarters and their embassy in Ajuba simultaneously the IWC-led social media campaign illuminated the controversy to a global audience.  

In this hypothetical the Chinese mining firms and Chinese industry was employing a lot of these Africans and it was to destabilize the country to bring the mines, to the factories, to bring all the Chinese production in the region to put all these Africans out of jobs and to bring the African government effectively to a standstill.  At the same time, in their own special forces manual it called for support from USAID to provide these same striking miners alternative jobs.  So that while they were striking from the Chinese labor companies they were still getting paid by the US taxpayers so they were financially bribed effectively to boycott Chinese industry into devastate their own countries government, create this crisis 

02:41. With increased scrutiny from the International Community and without a Workforce China's Port opening was set back by months the j i i m now had sufficient time to engage with naruvian leadership communicate the problem and develop options one week later naruvian Security Forces discovered an illegal weapons cash which it traced back to a subsidiary of the construction company to further investigate the matter they partnered with 3rd sfg as Hard Target defeat company htd to surveil the construction companies headquarters enabled by the htd naruvian . . . It and recovered blueprints for the proposed Port facility

and then use the state department delegation to go back to the negotiating table with the West African government to promise to end the destabilization if the development was halted.  And in that hypothetical, the West African government then rejects the license for the real estate development of China.  And that is declared as an unalloyed success by the US Special Forces and their partner Network in the state department of intelligence and this is the way of our diplomacy in 2021 and this is all publicly available if you look at the Special Forces prospectus and when this goes live I'll post this on my ex account at Mike account at MikeBenzCyber so that you can don't take my word for it but this is how we operate and so I see what we're doing with these missile attacks and with these calls for our 12 CIA bases on the Russian border to be able to do long-range precision guided strikes into Russia as maybe setting off World War 3, but it may also be part of a destabilization threat that gives Russia a reason to give the territories back to Ukraine in order to stop the blood from its own main arteries.