Showing posts with label — Lt Col (ret) JG Weaver for U.S. Senate (@JGWeaverNE) March 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Lt Col (ret) JG Weaver for U.S. Senate (@JGWeaverNE) March 2. Show all posts

Monday, March 4, 2024

DEI, Diversity = politicizing resources, like jobs, positions, pay, power, assets. Equity = redistribution. Inclusion = accommodating intolerant ideologies.

DEI, not Latin for God (which is probably how Latinos see it), but a criminal enterprise that denies white people jobs, a livelihood, a means to make a living, called Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, which is rhetorical in nature and vacant of any meaning except in its anti-white policies.  

And it is spread everywhere--schools, the military, and corporate life.  

The military.

James Lindsay writes,

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are three words that symbolize a program that a rapidly growing proportion of people across Western nations recognize to be nefarious. Indeed, they are Communist, as has been amply discussed on this podcast and on others. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay breaks this fact down another way. In it, he suggests that “Diversity” represents politicizing, “Equity” represents redistribution, and “Inclusion” represents accommodating the intolerant ideology of the Woke activists to achieve renormalization that transforms the institution. Join him for this insightful discussion that will change your perspective on DEI programs. 

This makes sense.  

Diversity = politicizing resources, like jobs, positions, pay, power, assets.

Equity = redistribution.

Inclusion = accommodating intolerant ideologies. 

01:01  DEI is on the rocks and not doing well?  Diversity and inclusion don't mean what they say, and Equity doesn't mean what it sounds like.  

Equity works out to be socialism.  

Diversity is an excuse to hire political officers or commissars.  
And Inclusion is a set of conditions that allow for censorship and purges to make sure that you have full ideological conformity in the environment.