Showing posts with label — Kelly DNP🩺 Functional Med (@kacdnp91). Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Kelly DNP🩺 Functional Med (@kacdnp91). Show all posts

Sunday, August 13, 2023

MAUI: Hurricane warning system didn't go off? Ring of Fire? Cities demolished to create Smart Cities? Hawaii, complete Spooksville?

According to [Mark's] research, Hawaii is completely Spooksville.

47:44  So from Kenya comes Barrack, Sr. who comes to the University of Hawaii, and to the East-West Foundation, which was a CIA front at the University of Hawaii where she and Barrack, Sr. are studying Russian together as many innocent people do.  So the two of them meet studying Russian, which is how every lovebird meets.  According to his research, Hawaii is completely Spooksville.  The more I dig into Hawaii the more it seems like a complete CIA state.  Mark Chapman coming out of there.  MKULTRA stuff.

48:50  Makes sense.  CIA is all out of World War, II, and Hawaii is Pearl Harbor, the event that launched the U.S. into World War, II. 
The coup de grâce.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Hydroxychloroquine will let a virus attack a cancer cell. It's one of the smartest drugs in history. It will let the viruses attack cancer cells but not normal cells.

Hydroxychloroquine will let a virus attack a cancer cell.   It's one of the smartest drugs in history.  It will let the viruses attack cancer cells but not normal cells.