Showing posts with label — Kat A 🌸 (@SaiKate108) August 3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Kat A 🌸 (@SaiKate108) August 3. Show all posts

Friday, August 4, 2023

I would love to see the DoD questioned. I wonder how tough the gov't reps would be with them.

This made the rounds yesterday.  People were giddy that they were finally witnessing some gov't accountability being applied to Pfizer and other pharmaceutical manufacturers.   

I would love to see and hear the gov't question the DoD. 

You see . . . to me these questions and the gov't's attitude are fake.  Because Big Pharma is a major government partner.  So this senate hearing is absolute Kabuki theaters.  Find more of Australia's charms here.

The two gentlemen being questioned are Dr. Krishan Thiru, Country Medical Director,  and Dr. Brian Hewitt, Head of Regulatory Sciences, Pfizer Australia.  The Senate official moderating the "debate" is Tony Sheldon.  The gentleman asking questions is Senator Matt Canavan.