Showing posts with label — Crypto Rich (@CryptoRichYT) January 22. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Crypto Rich (@CryptoRichYT) January 22. Show all posts

Monday, January 22, 2024

00:00. So what are you going to do? You're going to get squeezed out because you have no chance at all to maintain your order.  What does that mean? That means the Western financial institutions--JP Morgan, City Group, Goldman Sachs, European banks are going to lose control of all that collateral, which is massive, and that's, I think, only a question of time.  I mean it's not a question of whether, it's just a question of when, and I think we're not looking at a 10-year thing; I think we're looking at the next year or two.

00:33. And I'm telling you that the people who don't have any collateral are the ones who are trying to keep the collateral as cheap as possible for their banks because it's they're banks that are underwater, and it's not JP Morgan; it's not Goldman Sachs; it's not Morgan Stanley.  Sorry.  It's Commerce Bank.  It's Barclay's.  It's Credit Agricola. it's Intesa Sanpaolo.  It's these banks.

Part I


00:00. They are going to continue to escalate; they need a war somewhere, and they're desperately lashing out across all the theaters--the Middle East, the Ukraine, China. 

00:10. Pakistan and Iran this morning are getting ready to restore diplomatic ties.  " but I thought last week they were going to war because they sent missiles at each other?"

03:45. Davos this week is hilarious because two years ago it was "Build Back Better," and now it's "Rebuilding Trust" because you broke everything on purpose and now have the temerity to stand there and say,  "Oh, it's your fault."  This was the best part about this.  Did you listen to Klaus Schwab's speech? Did you listen to Ursula von der Leyen's speech?  What you heard from them was "It's your fault you lost faith in us."  But we're like, "You broke the world on purpose to abuse us into going along with your insane, stupid plans, and they're like, "It's still your fault."

04:18. Because with narcissists the victim is always to blame.  The pathology here is very clear.  We've all grown up in homes or had friends do this to us.  And this tracks on the global as well. The rules of reading charts, no matter what the time frame, one minute, 5 minute, one day, one month, one year, the rules are the same.  Doesn't matter the time frame; it matters the scale.  The same thing with psychology. Human psychology also scales from the individual to the to the group. 

05:15. Basically their message is "Look what you made us do."

05:21. Or they grab for the belt and they start beating you, "Why are you making me beat you!"

Part II