Showing posts with label — Chris Masterjohn (@ChrisMasterjohn) June 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Chris Masterjohn (@ChrisMasterjohn) June 2. Show all posts

Sunday, June 2, 2024

MASTERJOHN: none of these has as much evidence for being a very common cause of hair loss as iron deficiency. In other words, iron deficiency is a primary driver of hair loss

In 100 women with androgenetic alopecia, the first 50 were tested and 36 of them had ferritin concentrations below that of the lowest control (40 mg/mL).  --Chris Masterjohn.

Boosting iron is beneficial but incomplete.  

But if suboptimal iron status is a major but incomplete part of the suboptimal energy metabolism in your hair follicle, getting your iron levels up is likely to provide very large but incomplete benefits.